ROG swift or gpu


New member
Recently I've been experiencing a weird issue with my ROG swift/ GPU

Sometimes if I pop out to the shops or if I'm going out but im downloading stuff I turn the monitor off but when returning and turning it back on the screen seems pixelated or something? Anyone else experienced this? Do you think it's the monitor or my 780ti? Il try get a picture when it happens next.
A few members have reported similar problems related to the Swift, I think the issue has more to do with G-Sync than the panel itself. Some are fixed by removing and refitting the displayport cable.

I haven't had any problems with my Swift and i've been running it with a 760, 780Ti and SLI 780's with various nVidia drivers including the current one.

I just turned my monitor off left it 20mins or so but its fine now lol to be honest I did reinstall the driver yesterday as after playing bf4 a couple of hours started getting some kind of directX error