Rise of the triad, The 2014 Area 51


Well-known member
OK guys this will be the log of the Area 51. First up here is what I have.

Oh how prophetic that picture turned out to be, given mine will be the same colours soon :)

So onto the spec of the machine. This is how it was ordered stock.

And what I have added. First up is this, my beloved Asus RAIDR

Which works in tandem with my game drive, my 600gb Velociraptor.

Here is how the machine arrived, bog standard.

And how it sits now.

Around the other side we can see where the PSU wires come through. There is a SATA run and a single MOLEX that powers the logic board.

This should be easily replaceable with this, thanks to the generosity of Tom :D

Which will be running all blue Bitfenix Alchemy cables in blue. I must say I have used the crap out of BF Alchemy cables and they are absolutely beautifully made. I'm a big paracord fan and prefer it by miles over plastic sheathing.

I have also upgraded the ram to 16gb and have bought and fitted four of these.

I will continue the log as and when things happen :)
What size fans are those and how many dude?

There are four 120mm. They absolutely have to be 4 pin though because they are all software controlled.

I did a quick search and boy, imagine these in there...

Sadly it seems you can only get white ones in the UK. Maybe if Newegg or somewhere standard like that sells them in the USA I can get my mate to send them over for me. Now that would look incredible !



WANT WANT WANT... I'm skint now until next Friday but fingers crossed they will still have them in then.
there are surely no e-loops in that alienware :D the frame alone looks totally generic.

I forgot how to read apparently, I'm sorry lol:mellow:
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I have two of each 3mm twin and 5mm single XSPC blue leds if you would like them Matey i'll send them to you :)
I have two of each 3mm twin and 5mm single XSPC blue leds if you would like them Matey i'll send them to you :)

What are they dude?

I've always preferred coloured LEDs. I know white ones are more photogenic but yeah, I like a splash of colour :)

Can you link me to them or something? I think it would also be better forum etiquette if you posted about them in the FS&W forum so that it's all kosher and above board.

haha as the minutes tick by the workload begins to pile up. It's quite major surgery to change out the fans but seriously how the hell can I resist against blue Noiseblockers?
Might I recommend a Cablemod PSU cable replacement pack, Would not only look better but declutter it quite a bit :)


I'm getting a full set of Bitfenix Alchemy in blue dude. They sent them to Tom as direct replacements for the stock cables. So everything will be ready to go :)

The only thing I may need to do is shorten an 8 pin EPS because my board has one down the bottom for the PCIE lanes. As such it only needs to be about 6 inches.
I'm getting a full set of Bitfenix Alchemy in blue dude. They sent them to Tom as direct replacements for the stock cables. So everything will be ready to go :)

The only thing I may need to do is shorten an 8 pin EPS because my board has one down the bottom for the PCIE lanes. As such it only needs to be about 6 inches.

They are blue corsairs - I cant for the life of me find the BF ones :/

They were only a demo run anyways, the heatshrinking wasnt great
I'm getting a full set of Bitfenix Alchemy in blue dude. They sent them to Tom as direct replacements for the stock cables. So everything will be ready to go :)

The only thing I may need to do is shorten an 8 pin EPS because my board has one down the bottom for the PCIE lanes. As such it only needs to be about 6 inches.

You'll have to update your main post with lots of pics as you go through this :D
There are four 120mm. They absolutely have to be 4 pin though because they are all software controlled.

I did a quick search and boy, imagine these in there...

Sadly it seems you can only get white ones in the UK. Maybe if Newegg or somewhere standard like that sells them in the USA I can get my mate to send them over for me. Now that would look incredible !



WANT WANT WANT... I'm skint now until next Friday but fingers crossed they will still have them in then.

I actually got one of these and must have recieved a faulty one as it was whining as hell when not even on 7V lol.
The bionics I have now are stunning. Absolutely stunning. So I have totally decided to go with those throughout.

I would like to avoid LED fans too because the outside case lights can be changed to any colour that comes from RGB (so loads, basically) so I don't want to limit my options to one by using blue LEDs or white LEDs or what not.

So yeah, definitely going to treat myself to 5 of those bionics and 5 of those rubber gasket cover things :)

I also spotted this yesterday..


Seems they can still be got :)

So today I was in a bit of a predicament tbh. There's a 8 pin EPS connector at the bottom of the motherboard for the PCIE lanes and let's face it, EPS cables are the longest cables on the PSU. So this meant I would end up with around 40cm at least of spare wire that I could not hide.

So I ordered these.

Then realised they were the wrong type. They're female one end and male the other, FFS. I need double ended females so in the end I cracked and got out my gear and went to work. Look on the keyboard.

In the end it took me about 40 minutes to take some wires out of an old cable (for a PSU I had cables made for) and shorten them. However, the best part about doing it myself is that I now have them the exact length I need (24 cm).

So all I need to do now is whip out the long cables in the EPS run and replace with my blue cables. Sweet !

OK, so inside the PC will be three fans. The rads will all have two fans on but you will see the front end of three fans. So, I am going to order MNPCTECH grills for them so they look nice and clean. It's a toss up at the moment between these.

Or these.

I am leaning toward flames, but please feel free to comment and give me your opinion because I'm quite open :)
