Res keeps back filling ?


New member
I've finally got my loop all connected, and I'm in the process off leak testing, but every time I turn off the pump, it keeps filling the res, and flowing back up into the top rad. When the pump is on everything is flowing as it should and is nice and quiet so doesn't sound as if there is any trapped air in the loop.

My loop order goes, res, pump ( DDC 3.25 900 ltr/ph, )up to top port on the front rad( 240 Monsta ) out of the other top port down to the EK dual parallel bridge ( side port ) GPU, GPU, then into the CPU block, out of the cpu block, into the top rad ( Ax 360 ) then into the top inlet on the res ( Aqualis eco 150ml ) The pump top is the Aquacomputer aqua cover pump top, and I'm using the side port as an input, and the top as an output, also between the res, and pump I have a Primochill flow meter, as I've had pumps die and like to see it is flowing, but this isn't full either, it is sitting about half full. This is set up as a straight in and out.

Any ideas guys ?
See i've always wondered why that doesn't happen :rolleyes: i'm glad you've experienced this problem days before me so I can potentially resolve it. I'm interested to know what people say.

I got a couple of tubes that fit on the inside of the res top and stick below the surface of the water. I wonder if they will have an effect on this situation :eek:

It wouldn't be a problem, but I finally get it bled, turn it off then back on again, and it flows in reverse causing more bloody air bubbles. The funny thing though, if I lie it down on it's back then switch it off, it doesn't happen.

I'm sure it has always happened a little bit.but if my res is even a 3rd full once I turn off the pump, it fills right up, trapping an air bubble in the top rad outlet, and then it carries on to fill up into the rad.
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Yeah I can see why the air want's to get back to the top every time. Does your coolant just fall into the top of the res?

Sounds like your rad still has air inside it wich gets compressed when the pump turns on and expands when its turned of, try jiggling your Case around and lean it to all sides until some air comes out, you can also try turning the pump on and off and on and off repeativly
Been trying that mate, I've had it in every angle possible, and shaken it like crazy. That was my thinking too that there is air in the front rad, Monsta rads are a bitch to bleed anyway, I put it down to the very large end tanks, what I usually do is, fill the rad via the top port, that way it forces the air out a bit quicker, but I have no access to the very top port, I might have to turn it upside down, and use the bottom drain port, to fill it.
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