Rendering - Weird Color Problem


New member
Hello, I'm new in this forum so I say sorry in advance if this topic is not in the right section and in that case I hope an admin will move it in the right place.

I'm here because I really like to use editing programs like After Effects and Sony Vegas. I had some experience some months ago, when i used to edit with Camtasia and then upload videos on Youtube.
Recently I tried to render some videos in h264, the recommended output file for Youtube, in 1280x720, both in After Effects and Sony Vegas, but after the rendering the colors of the final video were horrible and different by the original file.
If i render videos in big output files like QuickTime, everything is fine, but obviously I can't keep Gigabytes of material and upload them on Youtube. I know that original and edited videos are never exactly the same, but every respectful channel on YT has good quality videos with perfect saturation and contrast.
I record with Fraps my work on programs and sometimes my gaming.
If I render with Camtasia, the colors are good.
If I use Ae or SV, the nightmare begins.

For Sony Vegas, I had to download the h264 output.
I heard also somewhere that sometimes is a Grapchic Card issue, and that's why I started here this topic.
I hope to find a solution. I really enjoy editing.

Tell me what information you need and I'll give you.

Thank you for the attention.
Which Graphics Card you using??? And do you have the latest drivers and most up to date software for your programs? Just trying to figure out the basics here
I have a Radeon 270x (It should be Vapor-x). I have all the drivers updated. I don't know from where to start.
Do you have view transform set to this in project properties?
Set it to off if you do, that will cause the colors to come out wrong and saturated.

Thank you for responding. Now, I have news. Nothing changed, but I did a test.
I don't know if you are familiar to Camtasia Studio, but there are 2 options: render "only 720p" and "720p with videoplayer". If I select the second, it opens, after the rendering, in Google Chrome, as a video with his own video player, and the colors are perfect. Then, if I want to see it again, I have to go to his folder, click and see with windows media player or QuickTime, but this time the colors are weird! I don't know what is happening.


SieB, my Sony Vegas options don't have View Transforming on. (I can't even set it on, it's locked)
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SieB, my Sony Vegas options don't have View Transforming on. (I can't even set it on, it's locked)

Ok, definitely not that then :)
Just thought i'd mention it because I have had similar probs in the past and it was down to that setting.
So, you think is a Graphic Card issue? Because I got somehow a good result in the strange way I exposed you before. Setting GPU acceleration off didn't helped.
So, you think is a Graphic Card issue? Because I got somehow a good result in the strange way I exposed you before. Setting GPU acceleration off didn't helped.

Not sure if it is a GPU prob, could be but I can't think of anything else that may be causing it. Could be driver related, or something as simple as a setting you need to change.
Can you post a pic of the "perfect" version (what you expected) and one from the broken version? Along with a pic of all the settings you are using to render the vids (and project settings if poss).

I have a bit of experience doing post production stuff so if you can supply the info i may be able to lock it down.
News, maybe good. I think it could be an issue caused by graphic cards, screen colors and video players in general. The reason beacuse I have this theory is that the videos, that rendered on my computer look bad, once uploaded on Youtube look perfect.


I'll post some pictures of good and bad versions of the video anyway as soon as I can! This topic could be useful for somebody else, I guess.
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I don't think its a GPU issue. Its most likely software conflicts. If it was a GPU issue you would be noticing more problems outside rendering