Reference vs Custom PCB


New member
I know this may have already been answered but I've had a little search and cant seem to find the answer to me fairly specific question.

I'm looking to upgrade to a GTX 980Ti but not sure if I should go reference or custom PCB (EVGA Classified to be precise). Either card will be put under water and overclocked within an inch of its life :) but what I want to know is whether it's worth paying the extra for the custom PCB version and will watercooling it make it more worth the extra money? (currently £150 difference)

I kinda know the answer to this anyway as it's usually (or always) down to the lottery of the chip. My reference 780Ti overclocked higher that the Kingpin version but this isn't guaranteed, again because of the lottery, but at least the custom PCB is guaranteed to overclock to what it's advertised at, or is it?

Ahhhh! :confused:
Nothing is really guaranteed, but I do believe that some chips like those on the Kingpin cards are binned, but don't quote me on that. Basically, you've got better chances with a custom PCB, but you never know. If I were you I'd get a reference card and test it as soon as possible. If its no good, you might be able to do a cheeky return ;)
IMO if you want to put a waterblock on it reference PCB otherwise get the best custom

the next card I buy will be a reference since I went custom loop this year and there are a lot more waterblocks for the reference PCB
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I've had reference 680's, 780 Ti's and 980's, Custom 680's, 780 Ti's and 980's and from my experience so far I've had more reference cards that clock higher than the custom PCB versions.

The only thing you're REALLY getting with the custom versions is better cooling unless the chips have been specifically binned.
Yep, I've totally made up my mind now and will go with the reference card. Thanks for all the advice everyone!
Reference all the way

1. On air reference coolers dump heat outside the case instead of inside

2. On water you can still overclock very nicely and achieve the same performance of custom PCB and a much lower cost

Reference usually have more headroom for overclocking too. Ill never buy a custom pcb unless the deal is almost too good to be true.