Red and Black Corsair 650D AMD


New member
Hello everyone,

So after posted my pc on twitter i got a message from OC3D twitter account to post on here so here i am.

This build has gone through many many many diffrent looks over the past but i think ive finally perfected the look I want and I haven't really changed anything in the last year apart from the SSD as the old one died.

I done plenty of little mods to this to help with cable management and the overall look of it. The more noticable ones will be how I have hidden the 3.5ich bays with a piece of black reflective perspex and the same with the bottom of the case i cut to size a piece of black perspex and slotted it in to make the build look a lot cleaner, the floor of the 650D without this looks ugly as it had areas for the extra hard drive cages to go in so big holes everywhere.

I have the windows SSD on display on the wall of the case held in with a screw i drilled in and then a bit of extra double sided tape to hold it on and the rest of the storage is in the 3.5 inch bays held with scythe HDD stabilizers. I've only just managed the fix the horrible GPU sag too whilst i was cleaning it. The back of the case needs some better cable management but it doesn't bother me too much as its all hidden from view.

Anyway check out the pictures and let me know what you think to it.
I've worked on this for a long time piece by piece and i really love it.
(The White LED strips look a lot better in real life and when its dark)

System Specs:
Corsair Obsidian 650D| H105 |Dominator GT 16GB | Corsair Neutron XT 240GB|2X500GB HDD'S|240GB HYPERX 3K SSD| Windows 10 64bit|AMD Piledriver FX-8 Eight Core 8350 Black Edition 4.1Ghz|Asus Crosshair V Formula-Z | MSI Radeon 290x 4GB |








And finally the GPU Sag fixed


Thank you all, If you have any questions just ask and i'll try and answer them all!.
Nice and clean, the only way to do it.

Good to see an AMD based build, getting rare to see lately!
nice tidy build mate, love it. also its nice to see an all AMD build as Killbane said
That is a great looking system dude, matched to perfection. Great to see a nice looking AMD based system too.
Very nice system, love the 650D!

Only thing about this I can really comment on is that the SSD looks a bit 'squeezed in'. Imho, that'd look better further to the bottom of the motherboard tray with some 90 degree angled connectors.