Ram Question

I am try to build a red and black rig and i have bought the blackline ram and now i think the rig will need more red and was trying to find a redline kit
make sure the timings are same and from that you should be ok as long as they installed in matching pairs, you haven't said what hardware it's going into but most systems will be ok with 2 sets of matching pair memory if the timings are the same, although if going into a 4way memory pairing thing like on the X99 boards, then it is preferable to buy the memory in 1 kit.
It will hopefully be

Asus rampage iv extreme
Intel 3930k 2011
32gb 2400mhz Mushkin ram
Two 1 tb sdd
Corsair 850ax
and g-card and still you be got but it will be sli
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Then you need a good lucky 3930k to run 2400mhz with all dimmslots occupied,and some hard tweaking in bios if so.A 4930k will do better but its not guaranteed with different timed dimms,and you`ll have to set timings equally.I will recommend a matched kit to run all slots.
i know i have little to no chance for get the 2400mhz but i like to have the option just on the off chance it is some how it working , but would be happy with 1600 are 1800
Then 1600mhz should be done as long you set them equally and manually in bios with some tweaking.Maybe you are lucky in silicon lottery and get some more bandwith.
i would really hope that i am not any low than 1600 , then i would be stuck at 1333mhz and that would be no fun at all