Ram CAS question.


New member
Hey guys, just a quick and probably simple question....

I'm thinking of buying more ram to fill the empty slots.
Currently I have 16gb corsair dominator plats @1866 CAS 9 and I've found a good deal on the same memory but the CAS is 10? Would it be okay to mix them together or best to match like for like?

Its best to match them, but difference is minimal its laughable, with CAS 9 ul have example 76.3fps, but with CAS 10 ul have 76.8fps.(sometimes its even whole 3fps)
Now im guessing you will need to increase latency on your curent kit, but, dont straight away listen to me, and wait if anyone else actually has exoerience with mixing different CAS kits.
Depends what you mean. Will it increase performance for gaming? No. Will it increase performance for seriously memory hungry stuff like video editing? Yes. Will running at CAS10 instead of CAS9 decrease performance? Not by anything worth measuring, maybe a fraction of a frame per second if that.
I know 32gb is overkill for what I need but just wanna fill the slots and I'm not worried about tiny decreases tbh, might oc o 2133mHz