Raijintek Ereboss Black Review

£30 savings over the darkrock is worth a bit of a fiddle, you could buy a long screwdriver and a decent fan and get change from that.
Pretty poor work on the fan mounting but given its size I'd say it'll be a good option for passive cooling.
I hate those stupid rubber fan mounts. I prefer the metal spring clips to be honest. (mounting and re mounting never seems to be as easy with the rubber ones) still if it performs well its definitely a better option than the lower end aio's "imo" and at £30 its a really good price. cant see much wrong with it to be honest. personal id change to a 120mm fan probably wouldn't worry that much about the static pressure as the fins don't really look like they are that close together soid probably aim for a CFM focused fan with lower rpm, Then stick them in push pull. id imagine you could get the system acceptably cool with lower noise levels like that.
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