I just switched from a 560Ti to an R9 290X. I'm used to clock speed being as follows:
Idle: 100~ Mhz
Non-Gaming Load: 450Mhz
Load: 950Mhz
But this one fluctuates a lot. I'm assuming it's some kind of feature, could someone explain? I'm especially curious as to why it doesn't go below 300 when not in games, as it's something the 560Ti used to do and I assume it consumed less power and generated less heat as it did so.
I just switched from a 560Ti to an R9 290X. I'm used to clock speed being as follows:
Idle: 100~ Mhz
Non-Gaming Load: 450Mhz
Load: 950Mhz
But this one fluctuates a lot. I'm assuming it's some kind of feature, could someone explain? I'm especially curious as to why it doesn't go below 300 when not in games, as it's something the 560Ti used to do and I assume it consumed less power and generated less heat as it did so.