Question to Tom: Parvum Case & 980 Sli


New member
Hey Tom (or anyone who is using the current setup in my question),

I saw your review about the Parvum S2.0 case and mine is on the way, I just want to know how temps will be if I use 2x EVGA GTX 980 Classified in Sli without watercooling .. anyone recommend this?

Ill be using LG 24UM95 wide screen 1440p monitor .. im just worried about temps so I need to make sure its safe to put 2x 980s in that case ..

Much appreciated!
Considering the Parvum has 4 slots, the cards are going to be stacked right on top of each other and won't be happy.
I have a feeling that even with the good temps obtained from the 980s, that case is going to get very toasty.

I wouldn't use SLI stacked on top of one another in slots 1 and 2 unless I was watercooling.
Might as well switch to watercooling :p

I wouldn't SLI on air in an S2.0 unless they were extremely well behaved cards, not only will they be stacked right on each other the bottom card will be straight above a solid floor. It will work but it won't sound nice.

Boys about are spot on - you shouldnt air cool cards that close without understanding the heat and noise (with ANY gpu) will be insane. You would actually want the space taken up by the 2nd card to be a gap before fitting the next card for SLI in an ideal situation.

TBH dude titan Z...? Really? Youre mental in this instance just get a different mobo and case....
Too late to change the mobo especially after ordering a custom made Parvum (ROG Theme), I've seen some videos on youtube and people are running games like Far Cry 4 on a single 980 on that resolution .. and yeah the Titan Z .. it will not look good in my case so I decided to stick with the 980 classy.

You never know .. a 980 Ti or a 990 might get released .. lets wait and see

Thanks for your answers guys .. much appreciated!
What if 2x reference ones? All hot air goes out, and fan in front of case blows cool air directly on them .. ;) just thinking