Question About Pairing GPU's for SLI/crossfire


New member
Hey All!

I'm looking for some clarification on what specifics need to match up to pair graphics card (in this case the gtx 770) in SLI. Do I only need to worry about the top level model or do the cards need to be exact in every way. For instance, vram size, special OC versions, etc?

Any clarification would be great!
For sli/corssfire you need the same and the gpu model number (eg GTX 770)
You can use 2 GTX 770's from different vendors with different clocks, The higher clocked gpu will downclock to match the other, lower clocked gpu.
You can also use gpu's with diffrent amount of vram, but that for example the 6gb gpu will only be using 3gb of vram because the other gpu in sli only has 3gb of vram (3GB TOTAL)
Some of the amd 7xxx series gpu's are compatibile to crossfire with amd 2xxX series because they essentially have the same chip
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As long as it's the same GPUs, I believe anything goes. If the VRAM is different for each card, then the amount of VRAM usable will be reduced to the lowest value of the cards in the configuration, that is to say, a 3GB card and a 2GB card in SLI will each operate as if they have 2GB.

Edit: Perhaps I've given misinformation, but that's what I've read elsewhere.
also, clocks don't sync up if you don't let them, you can get 2 different cards so long as the GPU's are the same you'll be fine. It *is* however recommended that you get identical ones if possible, to reduce issues :)