pull vs push pull corsair H60


New member
so i decided to rig up a push pull on my Corsair H60. i did a cpu test on the 18/5/15 when it was in a pull set up and i set it up in a push pull set up today and redone the test. the change is actually quite good. i did both tests for 10 mins each (i know its not long but it was a quick test). when im gaming my cpu does get pretty hot, being a haswell they do tend to get pretty hot. just one fan was doing okay but my temps would stick around the 60's so doing a push pull seemed like the right way to go :) here's the results:
pull setup >

push pull setup >
Thanks, since this ive updated my fans to a cool master 1600 rpm with white LEDs. So it runs pretty nice :)
I've got no complaints. This info seems to correlate with my experiences. I've had my h60 in a push pull with CM Sickle flow 2000rpm fans for a while now. Granted I have them turned down to 1500 atm.