Proper fans placement.


New member
Hello. I want to ask how to place my fans. I have a Fractal Design Define mini which comes with 2 fans and i have a Corsair h75 for my CPU. How should i place all of that ? Corsair's manual says to use their fans as an intake but im thinking about making it an exhaust at the back of the case and using 2 Fractal fans as an intake. Either 2 in front or 1 in front and the other one on top. Id rather put them both in front as they would be filtered then.
Ok. Will do that. Another question. Because my MOBO have only 1 chassis fan and 1 CPU fan and corsair needs both. Can i plug the CPU on its place and the other one with 2 Fractal fans through the Fan speed controler ?

That's totally fine. Just make sure you have the pump connected to a fan port where smart fan (or similar) control is disabled in BIOS. You want to feed the pump 12v at all times.
Don't bother about putting it in the floor. I'd just go two in the front, with the H75 in push/pull.
I did 1 intake in front and H75 as exhaust at the back and one fractal as exhaust at the top. When its all up and running will check the temperatures and adjust fan positions if needs be. Thank you guys !