wtf, it's been called edge since IE10/11 anyway? all that bullshit secrecy just to say .. oh yeah it's this ?
MS tend to make great software. I wouldn't be to worried.
Fucking, LOL NBD, are you attempting to just play devils advocate or just look stupid on this one?
Lets talk about M$'s
web software shall we?
Internet Explorer, versions... 5 through 9 (and parts of 10, and 11/Edge)
NONE of which are standards compliant, are filled with rendering bugs, are a complete frickin NIGHTMARE to make websites for because you have to make everything work, (for the standards that exist, that other browsers adhere to) then make it NOT work to work in IE.
Microsoft Outlook even TODAY, the only email client to use a massively outdated WORD PROCESSING ENGINE to render WEB DOCUMENTS?!?!?! Have you ever seen what Outlook does to a standards compliant, regular email? It takes a massive steaming shit on it. You are forced to use 7+ year old web-coding techniques relying on tables to get anything to render half-decent. It doesn't support most/all decent css, and applies it's own rules all over the place.
Microsoft make OK software, as we've learned it took a GPU vendor releasing a completely custom low-level API to get them to un-fuck Direct-X properly, they seem to have a child designing their OS UI these days, and every release of Office seems to change where they want their menus to be! Ribbons, no ribbons, custom msxml formats that are deliberately obfuscated?
In a world where cross-compatibility is becoming the Norm, M$ just isn't, in my opinion, keeping up with the trend. They're getting better, but they're not 'great software' makers by a long stretch, it's literally just that no-one else has stepped up to make stuff that's actually better and get a wide enough audience.