Project: ShadowStar V.1 (gaming 60fps, rendering)


New member
Hello good people of this site, i need your help making this one to happen.
Hopefully some of you can help me.

I want to build my new pc, for gaming and graphics works(rendering, video editing etc.)
My requirements wold be:
1. Stability
2. Performance
3. Quiet
I am in uk, and budget would be about 1500£, i can extend to about 2300£ if results increase significantly. And i have amazon premium membership, so would be great to use it:D
I will use 3440x1440 resoliution and for games 60fps, has to be.
P.S. Case has to be black or dark brown.

Thing is, for games buy 980ti or titan x and that would be an answer, butt both of them have no double precision, because its terrible.
And i like nvidia drivers, game ready drivers, and is more stable in sli, even gf experience is actually good.
Butt no double precision:(
Titan Black for rendering is great, butt for games it will not be enough, and putt two of them is really expensive, and as far as i now adobe supports only one gpu, so second would be useless in rendering.

In other hand, team red 390x even having driver issues, crossfire issues, have some promise in double precision, and price is amazing.

Can anyone give me advice on this one, and suggest possible builds.
Thank you.
Tbh the AMD drivers are not that bad these days and the 390X is the best "bang for buck" card you can get atm will you be just air cooling your rig?
Sounds like you need a benchmark to see how much difference double precision on an older Titan Black makes to your workflow/rendering compared with Titan X.

I've been on the lookout for Titan Blacks too for GPU raytracing but they have held their price fairly well due to people (rightly) using them instead of Quadros.
Tolemac, i think for gpu air, and cpu water. If you overclock on rendering, that causes a crash, i tried with my old gpu and it crashed every time.

Fetchez, looks like blender and adobe uses single precision, and CAD uses double, but i dont realy use cad so that in not important. I found some data on blender rendering times:
Looks like titan has best rendering times(about 37s), titan black(bout 45s), 980 single(1min 30s) two(about 40s), titan x(about 1min 14s), and 290x(about 1min).
Blender can use multiple gpus, and it scales well with them, i cant find any data about ati side for multiple gpus, but looks like nvidia is way to go.
In that case I would recommend the Sapphire R9 390X Tri-x for air cooling if you were going down the red route matey good solid card with a very good cooler