Problem booting after lowering DDR4 frequency

Big Boss

New member
Specs - Asus X99 Deluxe
Corsair Vengeance LPx 2666
5930K - no overclock

Just set up my build today guys, installed, windows, drivers, set up boot and storage drives,everything was good to go. I had my 2666 RAM set to 2666, just popped into the bios before planning to turn off for the night, and disabled XMP to standard 2133 to see any changes.

Problem is now, the computer won't boot and I can't get back into the bios, I turn the screen on and the rig keeps resetting itself with no image on my monitor. The motherboard has a mem ok button which is flashing red, indicantly the RAM's the issue. I've pressed the button, but still can't get an image on my screen and get back into the bios. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm back up and running now, memory set go 2666 again all seems ok.

The X99 Deluxe user guide suggests downloading and installing the latest bios after using the mem ok function, Ive downloaded BIOS 1004, but for some reason it will not let me install it? Could it be because I am currently on that bios version, is there a way to check?
Cheers for the reply Tom, downloaded version 1004 straight from Asus's website for the deluxe, uncompressed the file but it gives me grief about accessing it. I used the same process for the other drivers, chipset, audio, raid etc. Uncompressing and initialising them

Sorry if I'm being thick, new to pc building, just struggling with this.
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Cheers for the reply Tom, downloaded version 1004 straight from Asus's website for the deluxe, uncompressed the file but it gives me grief about accessing it. I used the same process for the other drivers, chipset, audio, raid etc. Uncompressing and initialising them

Sorry if I'm being thick, new to pc building, just struggling with this.

you have to flash it via a usb drive out of the old bios on asus' site should be an explenation to do so
I'll have a look in a little while when I'm back on the computer, are there any other methods TPC?

Edit: Just had a look now, I'm on Asus x99 Deluxe's BIOS 0801, and I want to upgrade to the most recent BIOS, 1004.

I've downloaded the driver, but I can't open it. It's a CAP file, but every time I try to open it, its just brings up a 'view and track your downloads window', with no explanation or instructions.

Haven't flashed a bios before so I'm lost here, any more advice buddy?
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Usb flashback

  • format a USB stick to fat32
  • copy the CAP file onto the USB thumb drive
  • look in motherboard manual as to which USB port to plug it in to (USB Flashback, looking at the picture of the motherboard, it should be the top set, and bottom port next the the button on back)
  • Once you have inserted the USB stick in correct port, press the button and wait.

This will update the bios and should sort out your issue you are having.

Make sure to check in motherboard manual as to the exact procedure for it as it has been a while since I have done this
Thanks for the help guys, does the USB have to be completely empty for this?
Got one at hand but its got Windows boot initialization on it, can remove that if need be though.

I'll check my manual tomorrow and give this a shot if all check outs. Makes me think though, is there any other method to do this without a USB, or potential for it in the future, seems like a complicated process to me?
Thanks for the help guys, does the USB have to be completely empty for this?
Got one at hand but its got Windows boot initialization on it, can remove that if need be though.

I'll check my manual tomorrow and give this a shot if all check outs. Makes me think though, is there any other method to do this without a USB, or potential for it in the future, seems like a complicated process to me?

No it doesn't need to be empty as it looks for the CAP file only, but is preferable, it just needs to be in the root of the thumb drive (this can be done with no cpu or memory etc installed, just needs power).

You will have to rename the CAP file also if memory serves me correctly, and the light on button flashes until it is finishes, then once the light on button goes out, it is done.

I have just looked through your motherboard manual online, and it is the following section;

2.2 - Bios Update utility, page 2-14


(this is grab of the page in question in the manual)

Hopefully this should get you back up and running again.
Yeah, I had a look at that within the manual too, problem is, I' don't have an optical drive to install the supplied DVD and install the bios flashback wizard, as stated in step 1.

I think there's another method to doing it through the bios, I'll have a look when I get back from work tomorrow.

Truth be told, I've had no issues on BIOS 0801, but I've read about a lot of people having issues with Xonar Essence sound card's, and as BIOS 1004 states: "3. Fix Xonar card compatibility issue". Got an STX II unopened ready to go so this is worth a shot.

Edit: also found this guide -
Yeah, I had a look at that within the manual too, problem is, I' don't have an optical drive to install the supplied DVD and install the bios flashback wizard, as stated in step 1.

I think there's another method to doing it through the bios, I'll have a look when I get back from work tomorrow.

Truth be told, I've had no issues on BIOS 0801, but I've read about a lot of people having issues with Xonar Essence sound card's, and as BIOS 1004 states: "3. Fix Xonar card compatibility issue". Got an STX II unopened ready to go so this is worth a shot.

Edit: also found this guide -

You should only need to do steps 5 and 6 from it, eg plug in and press button for 3 seconds, then wait a few minutes while it flashes away.
I had a similar issue with my ram before it died. To flash the bios as mentioned by other peeps you need to format the usb stick to fat32. MOST IMPORTANTLY you need to rename the .CAP file to X99D.CAP for an x99-deluxe. copy that file to the stick and turn off the machine but leave the psu on. put the stick in the green USB port marked as bios flashback. press and hold the bios flashback button until it starts flashing hen leave it until it's stopped.