Possible First Time Water Cooling


New member
It has been mentioned a few times that I should put the new rig under water. I would be interested as it definitely looks awesome as well as the noise and performance gains. However I never have done anything like this at all yet. Would one of those high end all-in-one kits be a good starting point? And then add another radiator in the loop. And how strong are some of those pumps such as the D5? A processor and 3 gaphics cards to cool, and I may add a 4th eventually too, but I would have to switch over to the 5930k.

These Gigabyte cards are too big and do not fit on top of each other with the rigid 3-way bridge. So water would be the way to go it seems. And I hear there is a block in development for them as well.

Current specs:
Intel 5820K @ 4.6
Asus Rampage V Extreme
GSkill 4X4GB DDR4 2400
(3) Gigabyte GTX 980 G1 Gaming 3-Way SLI @ 1525
EVGA Supernova 1300G2
NZXT Switch 810
Corsair H100i


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i would go full custom loop with that rig, no point messing around with it. lot of money in there, so do it 1ce and do it right.. also id wanna go dual pump and have a 360 + 240 rad as a staring point (if they will fit)
1. Don't bother with a 4th card(tbh 3 cards is a bit of a waste,as tri and quad sli has never worked properly)

2. A D5 is a good pump,there is a reason why everyone buys them.
I'd stick with 3 but tbh I don't think that case is big enough for the amount of radiator space you would need. I would be looking to fit 8x120 for 3 cards, 10x would be ideal though. Loads of fans, a lush set of blocks and an SLI bridge. A pair of D5's, nice big tube res, single loop. Starting with a kit would be total waste as you would need to replace everything in it.

I have an 800D just chilling over in the corner not being used but is pretty much the same size. 10x120 is a lot of rad space!
well you would need a "minimum" of a 360 rad just for the cards..
then a "Minimum" of an extra 120 for the cpu. so youjust call that a 240 split it with one loop for all components and come out with a minimum acceptable rad area of 600.. which equates to 150mm rad space per component. which is Bearly above the minimum recomended.

You may find that its just not quite enough rad space to be better and/or quieter than good quality hs and fan set up.
In an ideal world you would have 620 rad space for the 3 cards. and 360 for the cpu and that would let you have pretty silent running with decent temps. (in a single loop it would come out at just about 240mm rad space per component, which is much better)

Water is great at abosrbing heat, but unless it gets to evaporate its not really that good at releasing it so you need a lot of rad space.

but as a generall rule of thumb. the Minimum ammount of rad space per component is 120. 2-3x that is more optimal and what you should really aim for.
Well I had a Swich 810 with full size 360 and 240, for the 2x 7970 and 2600k, and the temps where very good.
In my opinion you should be ok with that config no problem, since 980 are pretty cool card and doesn't produce as much heat as older cards, and anyway GPU's don't get hot at all under water, as under the load they always cooler than the CPU.

But on the other hand...you'r GPU's have custom PCB form what I can see on the pictues, so I'm not sure if there will be a waterblock for them mate, you need to hope that EK will release one.
I think you could get away with a 240 + 360 as long as you don't add a 4th card. D5's are basically the best in the business if I'm not mistaken.
I think you could get away with a 240 + 360 as long as you don't add a 4th card. D5's are basically the best in the business if I'm not mistaken.

Adding 4th card want make sense, stuff like that are only for Overkill3d:D
Yes go for D5, the DDC are power full as well but they quite loud, well at lest for me.
Adding 4th card want make sense, stuff like that are only for Overkill3d:D
Yes go for D5, the DDC are power full as well but they quite loud, well at lest for me.

Folding uses all of them no problem lol! I hear EK is making a block for them too, but I would have just bought reference cards if I knew these were going to be too big to sandwich on top of each other. Big disapointment.
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