Possible CPU issue or something else


Well-known member
Hey guy's got an issue I can't seem to work out as soon as my cpu is under load my whole system locks up completely


Here's my cpu/ram info and when I tried running OCCT it locked up before two minutes were up and the max temp at the time was 65c anyone got any ideas please as it's got me stuffed and what got me looking in the first place is BF4 kept crashing
Will try it didn't think about ram :eek:
Well that's interesting it was the ram guess my cpu don't like 3000mhz ram after dropping it to 2133 OCCT ran for 5mins without a hiccough which means it will probably run longer than that and my cpu temp was 10c lower so later I will try and slowly boost the speed up and see what I can get it to stable and go from there and thanks barnsley!
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Will try it didn't think about ram :eek:
Well that's interesting it was the ram guess my cpu don't like 3000mhz ram after dropping it to 2133 OCCT ran for 5mins without a hiccough which means it will probably run longer than that and my cpu temp was 10c lower so later I will try and slowly boost the speed up and see what I can get it to stable and go from there and thanks barnsley!

No problem! did you manually set it for 3000mhz or did you use the profile?