Poll: Will anyone move on to Skylake / Kaby Lake / Cannonlake?


New member
Poll type of thread without an actual poll lol that I saw elsewhere which led to some interesting discussions, as long as the answers are motivated. I thought maybe we could give it a go.

I came on here with upgrade plans but currently have none for the CPU and/or motherboard.

Yes? No? Maybe?
I think my next big upgrade will be when CannonLake drops as it'll mean a full new system DDR4 etc. and hopefully some of the niggles of whatever Skylake brings will be ironed out
Skylake: No
Kabylake: Yes
Cannonlake: No

The reason I'll be moving only when Kabylake comes out is because it will be the final iteration of 14nm so it will be refined :)
Skylake: No
Kabylake: Yes
Cannonlake: No

The reason I'll be moving only when Kabylake comes out is because it will be the final iteration of 14nm so it will be refined :)

Will Kaby Lake replace your DC? If so, why? You're right to go for the refined chip, makes sense.

I would only move to the first available CPU if my motherboard or CPU gives out. The latter is fine, the former its USB controller is getting a bit iffy very recently.

On a side note, I wish Intel would leave the iGPU off of K parts, leaves more space to put other things on...

I might if the price isn't too harsh, not sure yet though.

And to what would you move? I think the Skylake K parts will be priced as DC currently is?
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I won't move to a new cpu until in 3 generations I think, currently the biggest bottleneck in my system is my GTX770 amd that sucker has to go first ofc
I'll probably wait until 2016/whenever the new amd cpus arrive. If I need a load of processing power I'll just buy an older dual xeon setup. Gaming wise I'm fine in the cpu department.
Skylake if it's good enough, hopefully I'll have enough money by the end of september. If not, probably on december
I won't move to a new cpu until in 3 generations I think, currently the biggest bottleneck in my system is my GTX770 amd that sucker has to go first ofc

So Cannonlake for you? Yep recently made a similar GPU move and haven't looked back since.

Skylake if it's good enough, hopefully I'll have enough money by the end of september. If not, probably on december

If possible peeps, also do say what CPU you're currently sporting if it's not in your sig :)
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i7 920 @3.67-3.85 GHz.

I'm going to build a new pc and leave my current one at home ( and take the new one to university )

That will definitely give you a nice boost! You could always sell your then old stuff and use it finance the new build?

For me, well I just hope I'm either a) wrong about the USB controller failing or b) if it's failing it'll hold out long enough until August/September :confused: because if it fails, I'm not looking to replace the current set with anything below Skylake. Oh, and if I do have to replace the current setup I'm aiming for an Asus Z170 ROG Hero (or equivelant) and a i7-6700K - don't need the hyperthreading but I like the higher clocks over the i5.
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That will definitely give you a nice boost! You could always sell your then old stuff and use it finance the new build?

No way, I need my PC to study and I'll leave the current one at home, while keeping the other one in the flat I live in when I'm at university ( out of town student )
I'll probably wait until 2016/whenever the new amd cpus arrive. If I need a load of processing power I'll just buy an older dual xeon setup. Gaming wise I'm fine in the cpu department.

That's what I am doing. Just waiting to see if Zen holds up well.

I'm more interested in the chipset upgrades than CPUs as we won't be gaining that much to make a worthy investment.
No, no, and no. I went x79 almost 2 years ago, and there is no compelling reason to upgrade from that. Heck I could have kept my old x58 system with an i7-920 running at 4.2Ghz on AIR, and I'd STILL be happy right now.
That's what I am doing. Just waiting to see if Zen holds up well.

I'm more interested in the chipset upgrades than CPUs as we won't be gaining that much to make a worthy investment.

Of course, moving for chipset benefits is a viable reason too. I do think it can offer enough future proofing, and I think Z170 offers support for two M.2 slots?

Elsewhere I've read that many are retiring their Sandy Bridge setups for Skylake, interesting how different fora have different tones where such things are concerned. Probably more so because of the upgrade itch than anything else, or maybe to get a fresh start and last another five years or so.
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Of course, moving for chipset benefits is a viable reason too. I think Z170 offers two M.2 slots?

Not sure. Nothings confirmed yet. I'm more eager than anything to get full NVMe support along with drives that use something faster than Sata 3.. I'd happily sell my drives to move on to faster storage.
Nope I won't, just got myself a X99 system.
Might upgrade with cannonlake's successor though in 2018 maybe, who knows