People and pets


well today i was doing a bit of work outside in my garden as it was a nice day for a change.

so there i was minding my own business making some kitchen cabinets for a friends house but about half way throw the day i finished cutting all the bits up that would make one row of units up and thought sod it now thats done im gonna grab some lunch and a drink before fixing them all together, so i turn off the table saw and turn round to walk in to the house to go get some lunch and as i turn round im greeted by a dog (a dog id never seen before) the dog looked pissed off as well showing it teeth etc and was stood about only a few feet away from me so i grab the hand saw of my bench (piece of wood laid across two saw horses) and stepped backwards walking around the other end and side of the bench in doors where i shut the door and went into the front room. from the front room window i then watched the dog force its way threw a small hole in the back fence and go into a neighbors garden and shortly after that a few kids screaming at this point i was thinking o fuck but that was it everything calmed down and about five mins later the dog comes back throw the fence in to my garden and then goes behind a bush thats in my garden, i gave it a few mins and it never came back out again so i grab the hand saw just in case and went out to have a look what was what only to find that this dog has smashed/made a hole large enough for it to get threw in my fence.

i was pretty pissed off at this point by the fact that i had this dog in my garden in the first place and second because of what it had done to my fence, so i went to the van grabbed the nail gun and some 60mm nails (which did get attached to the fence posts and their tree as the pieces of wood were not long enough to go from one post to the other) along with some 40mm x 40mm wood batten and temporary repaired the fence before taking a drive round to talk to the owner about the issues but lucky for them they were not in (but had locked all three dogs outside on their own) so i had to leave a note asking if they would be so kind as to give me a call when they got in (not saying what the issue was about or anything as i though they may not call back if they knew what it was about). while i was out i thought i would just call round to the house next door to make sure everything was alright as thats where the kids were screaming.

the women there said yes everything was alright which was a good thing but also said that the dog had been coming in there garden a quite a bit during the day time as well as at night ( i had also heard something moving around in my garden at night but not really thought to look as i was sure it was not a person and just thought it was a cat as there are a lot of cats round here, the women also told me they her husband had been round to the house in question to let them know of the issues with the dog and also to ask if they could do something to help stop it but they never answered the door so he had to wait a few days and then shout throw the fence when they were outside. the lady also said that this dog was a rescue/stray dog and seemed to have a bad temper.

i called the police to let them know of issues and also called the local environmental health. which to be fair was a waste of time as the police said that they would not be able to do anything as no one was attacked and that it was my fault because the fence was not secure to which i tried to explain that the fence was only a few months old and that it has been smashed by the dog or by someone had done it for what ever reason but there was no way that the fence was rotten but i did also explain that i was feed up with having to replace the fence every year or two because their trees keep breaking them. she just avoided the question and i gave up as i needed to get working again.

i really pisses me off that these people have three dogs which are left outside all day to do as they want with no one there to keep and eye on them and take control when needed. dont get me wrong she did a good thing by saving the dog but if she can not cope with the three dogs and three kids then why take them all in, there is no need to have the dog/dogs locked outside at 10 or 12 at night barking and making a load of noise but what really pisses me off is that its getting in to people gardens. i mean it was lucky that it was me out there really and not one of my friends kids playing as it could have been a whole different story.

im now really not to interested in using the garden incase the dog gets back in to the garden and there is no adult out there. which no one should have to feel like that as your home is after all your own space and some where you should be able to feel to safe.

im also not really sure if it happened again how i would handle it as i kinds know its not the animals fault and more the owners fault but if you get attacked i dont really see you have much choice but to take the dog out after all its the dog or me and im higher up the food than the dog and thats how i would look at it as sad as it that maybe be.

i guess my rant is why do people have to many pets that they can not cope with and then let them run wild and upset other peoples lives
I think some people take on more than they can handle out of a desire to help the animals, but if they're not prepared for the responsibilities that come with it then it can just be worse for the animal.

If it is the case I disagree with them keeping their pets outside at all times anyway, especially when they are not even at home, but if they are going to do that they should at least ensure their garden is suitable for it and that they can't escape and get hit by a car for instance.

Even if you are unable to report the situation to the police because no crime has been committed, you can still report it to the RSPCA and get advice from them if you are concerned about the animal's welfare. I'm assuming you are from the UK, if not, then the equivalent of the RSPCA in your country.

Edit: If SuB reads this, I hope Timmy is doing well :)
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near our Appartement is also a lady with 4 Yorkshire Terriers... they are loud as hell and she beats them etc... its a nightmare to see those little creatures walking behind the lady frightend and hearing them howl anytime the lady shouts at them, she cleary cant handle those dogs
I already called the police but they cant do anything until they have proof, like a bill from a doc...
Makes me sad...
That new law came in a few months ago tho, where owners are responsible for their dogs no matter what.

This guy had a staffie, and he lives in a gated community in Devon, and one day he was out washing his car, and the dog was playing next to him minding his own business, when a guy came up giving out super market junk mail, so the dog being a dog, went over and sniffed the guy, but the guy freaked out " saying get your dog on a lead it could have bitten me ", when the other guy replied "sorry mate, I didn't see you there, besides what are you doing in hear, it's private property " That's when the guy said " I couldn't get an answer from the gate, so I climbed over the wall " The dog owner then freaked out and escorted him out of the community. Well about an hour or so passed and the dog owner decided to take Fiddo out for a walk, when he saw a police van coming towards him, so he stopped and was asked about what happened, with the guy and the dog, so he explained, what happened.

That was when his jaw hit the ground he was being held responsible, for Fiddo intimidating, the other fella, and was handed a notice, with basically what was a first strike, against him and Fiddo, Poor Fiddo, So he explained the guy was trespassing, and admitted that he gained entry by climbing the wall, it didn't matter, the dog was not on a lead, and the guy was scarred .

To me this doesn't make any sense, fair enough the dog should have been on a lead, if it wasn't in a gated community, but the other residents must be OK about it and the dog must be friendly otherwise the other residents wouldn't put up with it, as I'm sure they all pay a pretty penny to live where they live for the added security, of walls and gates, how the hell can the leaflet guy be allowed to get away with trespassing, and accusing Fiddo, of doing something that was no more than a dog being a dog. It doesn't make a blind bit of sense to me.
well ive another two visits from the dog, one again late last night where it seemed to be running around between my garden and the garden behind mine along with messing everywhere and then once again this afternoon.

so after repairing the fence yesterday there is now another hole in it to which im not very happy about.

i called the police again today to yet again be told because the fence belongs to me its my fault because the fence is not secure, i tried to explain to the women on the phone that i had to repair yesterday because a hole was broken in it and there is now another hole in it which the dog or someone has made to which i got a reply of well buy a better made fence (not in them words but that was what she getting at)

i dont really see what else im able to do to stop this dog from getting in as no other dog seems to get throw standard fence panels. short of building a brick wall or using some old railway sleepers i dont know but i also dont see how its all down to me to keep the dog out of my garden. in my view providing a border with standard fence panel which are in good condition should be good enough and if the dog owner knows that their dog is still getting threw then it should be down to them to stop the dog from their side
Did you contact the RSPCA for advice? What breed of dog is it, that it can break through a fence?
They're a fucking nuisance. I've ranted on here before about the woman next door but one who has a jack russell and I'm actually angry about it now.

I get home from work at 5, as soon as I step into the back garden to train it comes out barking till usually 10-11, but weekends 12/1/2! because she has patio doors and leaves them open for it.

My Dad went round and politely asked and she was fine and I didn't hear a peep for two weeks but then goes back to how it was before. I contacted the local council's noise department and they said the rules apply like anything else, drills, lawnmowers etc. no barking after 8pm! So she comes round on the bounce so my Dad just said he doesn't know who it was. Went quiet for two weeks but we've now been back to barking again. I'm tempted to ring the guy at the council because the next step is they go round and if that doesn't do it she gets a fine.

There is just no fucking peace! Its in and out every few minutes! Will I have to listen to this until it dies, I hate to say that..but I can't hear myself think!!!
Did you contact the RSPCA for advice? What breed of dog is it, that it can break through a fence?

its a boxer dog but like i said im not a 100% sure if its the dog breaking the fence or if its someone doing it as ive never seen it happen, i just know that ive had to repair the fence twice now and ive seen it in my garden a few time now also

i did try and call them on friday but every option i tried just resulted in a voice message giving me a link to a website or something not to helpful but im going to try them again as im feed up with it. i was planing to have friends round this weekend for a BBQ that was planned a few weeks back but due to this issues i thought it would be a good idea to cancel it as i did not want anything to happen

They're a fucking nuisance. I've ranted on here before about the woman next door but one who has a jack russell and I'm actually angry about it now.

I get home from work at 5, as soon as I step into the back garden to train it comes out barking till usually 10-11, but weekends 12/1/2! because she has patio doors and leaves them open for it.

My Dad went round and politely asked and she was fine and I didn't hear a peep for two weeks but then goes back to how it was before. I contacted the local council's noise department and they said the rules apply like anything else, drills, lawnmowers etc. no barking after 8pm! So she comes round on the bounce so my Dad just said he doesn't know who it was. Went quiet for two weeks but we've now been back to barking again. I'm tempted to ring the guy at the council because the next step is they go round and if that doesn't do it she gets a fine.

There is just no fucking peace! Its in and out every few minutes! Will I have to listen to this until it dies, I hate to say that..but I can't hear myself think!!!

yep i totally understand mate, the noise issue is bad but having it in my garden messing every where and trashing stuff is a real piss take, i would almost be happy with the noise issue if it would stay in their garden
As an owner of 3 dogs, one of which is a difficult rescued dog that we took in. I can whole heartidly say that if you're not in to take care of a dog 100% you shouldn't own it in the first place.

I love dogs, and we love animals, he's fucking hard work but he has a lot to give. But we put that effort in, if you're just going to chuck your 'pets' outside to wreck everything then you're not a responsible owner and you're making the dog that is probably under stimulated and bored out of it's existence.. look bad. And people will then, take it out on the dog, or get hurt.

Our three dogs are immediately brought in the house if they start barking, even if it's nuisance kids goading them on (as much as it pisses me off), no-one wants to hear a dog barking for hours. It's just basic respect for other people.
He's hard work mate, but he's worth it :) He's got a lot of love to give, and is super cuddly he's very much a "daddy's boy" with me, although he has now taken to the other half now as well. He seems to have a cheeky streak in him, like he can't help himself but try and steal food occasionally and stuff, and he's totally learned to open doors which is a proper pain in the arse. lol
Same here, I love our dog more than anything but a bit of work from being a puppy and she knows not to even bother barking. If she does all it takes is oi come on and in she comes.

I was watching next doors early in the back garden, there is nothing for it to do out there, all it does is walk up and down the fence sniffing and listening. She really does piss me off, how much will it take for her to realise she shouldn't be letting it out at night. Piss/shit then get back in.

I hope we get a horrible winter, I might get peace for a few months then.
Today's photo of Derpy-sleep-mode Timmy...

How old is the Boxer, before I got my American Bulldog I was looking into Boxers, but after researching all I could decided not too, as when they reach about 10yrs old, they can develop some kind of brain disorder that can change them from the most placid animal into a raging nutter literally over night.
How old is the Boxer, before I got my American Bulldog I was looking into Boxers, but after researching all I could decided not too, as when they reach about 10yrs old, they can develop some kind of brain disorder that can change them from the most placid animal into a raging nutter literally over night.

almost all 'pedigree' dogs have some kind of 'life changing' disorder on the cards later in life, some are degenerative, some change behaviour, others are progressively worse from very young.

All of our 3 are cross-breeds. The whole idea of Pedigree now is a bit of a con, it's just a way to make you pay more for a dog that's so helplessly inbred it will suffer through no fault of your own.

More people need to rescue dogs and take care of them properly instead of fuelling the pedigree system in my opinion.
almost all 'pedigree' dogs have some kind of 'life changing' disorder on the cards later in life, some are degenerative, some change behaviour, others are progressively worse from very young.

All of our 3 are cross-breeds. The whole idea of Pedigree now is a bit of a con, it's just a way to make you pay more for a dog that's so helplessly inbred it will suffer through no fault of your own.

More people need to rescue dogs and take care of them properly instead of fuelling the pedigree system in my opinion.

I find that most people think eugenics is wrong, yet hardly anyone seems to care that effectively the same thing is done to animals, whether they be pets, for the meat or dairy industry, or sports like horse racing.
I find that most people think eugenics is wrong, yet hardly anyone seems to care that effectively the same thing is done to animals, whether they be pets, for the meat or dairy industry, or sports like horse racing.

Which is why I won't get Pedigree dogs any more, it's bad enough when you see what the breeds have been reduced to on things like crufts.. Alsations with completely collapsed hind quarters, not allowing the rodesian ridgeback(sp) breed to lose it's ridge because it's the character of the breed but dogs with the ridge have massively increased chances of spinibifida (sp again).
It's cruel, it's selfish and I don't agree with it on principal :(
almost all 'pedigree' dogs have some kind of 'life changing' disorder on the cards later in life, some are degenerative, some change behaviour, others are progressively worse from very young.

All of our 3 are cross-breeds. The whole idea of Pedigree now is a bit of a con, it's just a way to make you pay more for a dog that's so helplessly inbred it will suffer through no fault of your own.

More people need to rescue dogs and take care of them properly instead of fuelling the pedigree system in my opinion.

Couldn't agree more! Both our Lhasa Apsos are rescue dogs and we currently have 3rd Lhasa in on foster looking for a new home and he has the over breeding disorder where his lower jaw is displaced it's not bad bad but it's a noticeable underbite, one of our boys recently cost a bomb at the vets with the Lhasas old age inner ear problem. While they can be very vocal they need to be stimulated, and taught not to talk, other than that they are the most loyal placid Dogs I've ever experienced and definitely daddies boys unless mummy has treats. :D
Good fences make the best neighbors. I'd just secure the perimeter with a concrete block wall and mind my own business.
My biggest complaint with some pet owners, is the crap they don't clean up, Got a woman down from me has 4 cats she moans about dog crap on the path, but doesn't get the hint when you mention cats crapping in your garden.

SuB totally agree about rescue dogs. my little girl until 2 years ago