PC Specialist Glacier Review


The Guvnor
Staff member

The latest PC Specialist gaming system is here, full of all the latest hardware and a blistering NVMe drive.

PC Specialist Glacier Review
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Nice, very nice indeed the price is exactly the same as my first shop bought system back in 97' and that was a P2 333MHz, 128MB RAM, 12MB Voodoo II, Sound Blaster 16Bit Sound Card, 40GB storage and a 17" CRT Monitor :) oh how times have changed and hardware has advanced in 17 years.

Very nice!

Does it have room and PCIe lanes enough for a second card though?

Seems like the obvious upgrade in 1-2 years time.

Edit : The price is not added to the usual place at the top. In fact - where is it?
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Very nice!

Does it have room and PCIe lanes enough for a second card though?

Seems like the obvious upgrade in 1-2 years time.

Edit : The price is not added to the usual place at the top. In fact - where is it?

Should have enough lanes. Z170 had an additional 4 lanes on the chipset for SSD cards and M.2.
Brought this PC on the strength of this review

Having read this review and being a long term viewer of the Youtube channel I put my fair in TTL and I have too agree with a lot of what is said in this review. However my experience with the actual Pc has been quite tragic not only was the build time very long as I did not pay for the fast build and too be fair it was January when I ordered it which is a fairly busy time but after 20 odd days it turned up and looked great. The initial benchmarking showed great speed too but the PC endlessly blue screened after a short time of use and had too be returned. Pc Specialist apologised which I though was fair enough and promised too fix as soon as possible then I started too get emails apologising for the delay if fixing and so it continued.

Today they finally returned the Pc only for me too find that it looked like they had been using it for a game of football over the weekend. The case had a piece broken of the back lip. The sides were not correctly attached and even the front magnetic dust cover was detached. So at the end of the day this Pc has turned out too be nothing more than the most expensive game of pass the parcel I have ever played and after over 50 days I still do not have a new Pc just a £1800 dent in my bank account.
Having read this review and being a long term viewer of the Youtube channel I put my fair in TTL and I have too agree with a lot of what is said in this review. However my experience with the actual Pc has been quite tragic not only was the build time very long as I did not pay for the fast build and too be fair it was January when I ordered it which is a fairly busy time but after 20 odd days it turned up and looked great. The initial benchmarking showed great speed too but the PC endlessly blue screened after a short time of use and had too be returned. Pc Specialist apologised which I though was fair enough and promised too fix as soon as possible then I started too get emails apologising for the delay if fixing and so it continued.

Today they finally returned the Pc only for me too find that it looked like they had been using it for a game of football over the weekend. The case had a piece broken of the back lip. The sides were not correctly attached and even the front magnetic dust cover was detached. So at the end of the day this Pc has turned out too be nothing more than the most expensive game of pass the parcel I have ever played and after over 50 days I still do not have a new Pc just a £1800 dent in my bank account.

Afternoon dude, Im sad to hear you have had a less than pleasurable experience. Nothing and no one can ever get things right 100% of the time and Id like to think a large part of your experience has been down to couriers.

I will how ever personally be giving PC Specialist a link to this post.
Having read this review and being a long term viewer of the Youtube channel I put my fair in TTL and I have too agree with a lot of what is said in this review. However my experience with the actual Pc has been quite tragic not only was the build time very long as I did not pay for the fast build and too be fair it was January when I ordered it which is a fairly busy time but after 20 odd days it turned up and looked great. The initial benchmarking showed great speed too but the PC endlessly blue screened after a short time of use and had too be returned. Pc Specialist apologised which I though was fair enough and promised too fix as soon as possible then I started too get emails apologising for the delay if fixing and so it continued.

Today they finally returned the Pc only for me too find that it looked like they had been using it for a game of football over the weekend. The case had a piece broken of the back lip. The sides were not correctly attached and even the front magnetic dust cover was detached. So at the end of the day this Pc has turned out too be nothing more than the most expensive game of pass the parcel I have ever played and after over 50 days I still do not have a new Pc just a £1800 dent in my bank account.

Hey there EdgeDs,

First of all my apologies that the system arrived with you in a less than operational state. Furthermore my apologies that the system arrived after the RMA in a less than perfect condition.

We pride ourselves in offering the best customer support that we can, so to hear your experience is different, troubles me. I will personally speak to the staff who dealt with your system once I can pull up your order.

We have had our busiest January and February for several years, this pushed back our orders from our estimated lead times. We are working overtime to reduce this backlog and bring the lead times down to our preferred timescale.

As for your system, could I trouble you to drop me you email address in a PM so I can resolve the reported issues as a matter of priority?

I am leaving the office in 10 minutes but I will pick this up at 6am tomorrow.


PC Specialist - T.D
Firstly I can appreciate that even with the best intentions something can always go wrong and I do not believe that anyone could have predicted a fault developing. The returned computer had clearly been mishandled and I would find it hard too believe that that happened anywhere other than with the couriers. It is also great that in this current climate too hear that PCS has been so busy (although that is a bit too my own detriment) Of course though with such a long time between the order and still not having a working pc my patients is starting too wear thin.
Thank you though TTL for contacting PCS for me and thank you PCS-TD for the offer of making my RMA a priority. I have sent you a PM if you don't receive it please let me know as I don't have the best eye sight and could have done anything lol
I can confirm your system will be brought back on a priority RMA. Could i trouble you to drop me a PM when the system has been collected from yourself?
Pm Messages

I have just noticed this in the new members introductions "
Please note that the PM system is disabled for all newly registered members. This is to preven spamming of the forum via the PM system.

Once you have reached 50 posts, this restriction will automatically be lifted.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused."

I have been sending PM's but did not originally notice that they would not be going through.
I can confirm that the PC was picked up and the RMA is 31793. Hopefully you can pick up my Email from this as I do not wish for it too be shown on the public forums. Perhaps TTL would be kind enough too pass the Email onto you though.

Now Recived PC

I can now confirm at long last I have received a fully working PC and am quite happy with it. The overclock on my machine is only up to 4.3 not the 4.6 as shown in the review sample but at this point I just am happy too have a working system and the order does read that the overclock is only up to 4.6 not that it would be but I think this should be pointed out for people who were expecting a high overclock. The Pc does look great and I have a lot of people who have seen it who do complement it, sadly the same people are put off when I explain all the hassle and time that went into the purchase. On a positive I would say that the actual communications between myself and PCS was very good for the duration of the problems it was just a shame that the problems existed in the first place.
Glad it is all fixed now and I think that as PCS do not have a customer care thread on the forum they have done the noble thing and helped where they could in order to resolve it. I am looking at buying from them in the future.

I also feel for you too for the delay in receiving your build but know that computers can be fickle things when it comes to blue screens and also know that couriers often do not give a !£%$ when it comes to lumping peoples goods around.
They were pretty good with dealing with the RMA too be fair I was also receiving just as good support in my Emails by another person at the company also. In hindsight I would have waited on the order though, I could have got Primal instead of Tomb Raider lol.

Hopefully you will have a smother transaction with PCS than what I did. Still computers can indeed be fickle and yes logistic companies often do not care at all for what they are shipping I have worked in that field myself and it is often a wonder anything ever gets too people in one piece lol