Pc shutting down while playing games!


New member
For the past few (more than 6) months now, my pc shuts down while only playing games. Might be 30 seconds, 1/2 an hour or it wont shut off. I have had a feeling that my psu has gone bust. Only started happening when i bought and install my second gpu for sli. Bios and drivers are up to date. Even running it on one monitor with only pc, monitor and internet router plugged into wall wont change anything. Running fans on full ball and gpu temps are 85° and cpu is around 60°+ (I think. Wasn't paying attention to it. But wan't as hot as gpu).
Specs are:
CPU: intel i7 3770k @ 3.5 (stock)
GPU: atm EVGA GTX 680 FTW 4gb 1x
BOARD: MSI z77a-GD65
MEMORY: Corsair vengeance 16gb @ 1600
PSU: Corsair HX1050 (silver)
CASE: Corsair 600D
SSD: OCZ Vertex 4 128GB
CPU COOLER: Corsair H100i
MONITORS: 3x DELL 2412M+Samsung 50"TV
Well did you change anything else other than adding a second gpu when this started happening? Also try running the system directly off the igpu without the 680 installed and see if the problem still persists.
Thanks for the replys. I'm running the GPU on individual cables. I remember going straight into 3x surround as soon as I installed the second card. I installed the card, turned on pc witch shut down then rebooted. Restarted, then installed sli cable, and restarted again. Went into 3x surround. Started shutting down maybe 3 days later as I didn't play many intense games during that 3 day period. I'll try running off igpu as you said. Do you guys know any programs to help test PSU?
Is it a proper BSOD? Have you checked the windows event log to see if anything shows up? Lastly, do you have access to another PSU to test the system with?
Thanks for replys. I have just done/doing tests right now on it. When it shuts down, it's like pulling the plug out the back. Then it goes through start up procedure. I haven't checked event log yet (had no idea how to do it until 2 minutes ago) but will give it a go. Also running on igpu seams to be going all right, but I will need more testing.
occt has a psu stress test feature.
but all that does really is load up the cpu and gpu(s) alternetavly trying to make it use the most ammount of pwoer it can..

but if you watch the graphs it could help explain stuff.
I should also say that I previously owned the exact same motherboard and experienced numerous unexplained "outages" where I would either get a short system freeze that would clear itself, or as in your case it would sometimes require a hard reset or would do so itself.

The only thing I could ever determine was that the power regulation to various sections of the board were faulty straight from the factory and that it only occurred after I placed a strain on the system through overclocking. Now I know you aren't overclocking, but you are running two power hungry cards on SLI, so perhaps the power regulation issue is affecting your PCI slots and every time those card exert a strain on those slots, it causes a shut down.
What is that? How do I make it go away? Reset bios and everything?

If I recall correctly it is a setting in BIOS, however if there is an issue with the physical motherboard components that is causing the system to trip, then turning off that safety device will result in damage to other components.

What you need to do is to run the full battery of tests on your system first. Remove the original GPU and put your new one in the top PCI slot, run some benchmarks, stress the system a bit and see what happens. If that doesn't crash, then put the original GPU in the second PCI slot and run the benchmarks again.

If it crashes with either card in the second PCI slot, then you need a new motherboard. If it crashes with just the new GPU in the top PCI slot then it's the new GPU and you'll have to sort that out.
I just wanted to note that the game you're playing, ArcheAge, is BUGGY AS HELL and may ALSO CAUSE PC SHUTDOWNS :D

My dad is "playing" it on his laptop and had shutdowns, freezes and other things happen to him, yes, only in this game...
It's only partially due to non-perfect ping (and i mean not connected directly to the physical server level of perfect... gg programming skillz), so You being in Australia increases the chances of *everything* going completely wrong (unless there is Australian server? which would help only a little anyway...).

OH and did I mention it's making GPU RAM mess and PC reboot does NOT fix it?
Well, I just did.

...How happy I am for not getting anywhere near that game on my machine :3
Thanks for replys. I decided to reinstall everything. Done an all nighter with 5 hours of sleep and it is now 3:50pm. I am testing now. I'll test the gpus like how you said and do in game tests too. Yeah archeage is still pretty buggy. I found the Korean version to be way better than the NA version.
Thanks. Just finished swapping and testing. Both cards in sli or single in any slot make the pc shut down. I'm testing it with catzilla benchmark at 1080p. make it in about 10-15 seconds and then nothing. I'm going to take it to the pc shop down the road to see what they can make of it.
Thanks for your guys input and suggestions. I'll post back when i get good results.
Thanks. Just finished swapping and testing. Both cards in sli or single in any slot make the pc shut down. I'm testing it with catzilla benchmark at 1080p. make it in about 10-15 seconds and then nothing. I'm going to take it to the pc shop down the road to see what they can make of it.
Thanks for your guys input and suggestions. I'll post back when i get good results.

Definitely the motherboard mate, gonna need to get yourself a new one.
Try removing all of the MSI software, I had a very similar problem a couple of weeks ago, so after posting my event logs over on Eight forums, it turned out to be the MSI software pack, so I removed all traces of it, and all is good now.