How did you work that out?
I'm curious too, last I heard it was free... Free to download, free to work with, UT is all open sourced now.. How did you get that price figure?
Edit: Also, this is *nothing* like UT3, or unreal tournament, in *any* way, other than some art direction on some characters, and the engine. The game is a Moba, it's not an FPS, it's designed like a moba, plays like a moba and they've listened to the playerbase throughout their closed access stage and loads has been improved.
I'm not sure on the free-to-play'ness but the current prices is just to price-gate the early access so it doesn't get over extensibly crowded.
It's a beautiful game, and gives a new angle on a Moba, when you can slow it down to 1/10th speed and observe all the effects/animation/art at that kind of speed, and it still stands up to scrutiny.... that says a lot.
They have some balancing to do in terms of gameplay, but no moba in history has ever got it right on first, second or even third try, so it's got plenty of time to sort that out.