Packet Loss troubles


New member
Hello OC3D

After finishing CoD AW campaign, I of course wanted to try multiplayer. But I'm getting error messages that states unable to connect to the servers.

So I tried a ping test which gave me this result:

Why does this happen and can I fix it? My router is a pretty cheapo A-Link:


I use a cable to the router, no wifi. Have tried restarting the router, no change.

Surfing, streaming and downloading works fine.

Also before I moved I used an identical router, had no problem gaming WoW on that one for over a year. Do you think the router is too ancient or am I missing something obvious?

Suggestions welcome.

Contact your ISP and see if there is a more streamlined profile for you to switch to, or get them to perform a thorough line stability test, then they can adjust accordingly.
Yeah wouldn't surprise me, being a new game and all, everyone wanting to game it at the same time.

So out of the blue CoD multiplayer started working for me, played it for an hour and a half and then suddenly dc. So dunno if it's CoD or my connection then -.-
For the first 15 minutes I literally couldn’t even get into the multiplayer main menu. The game just kept on crashing out when trying to connect to Xbox Live. I was convinced it was something with my connection but I checked everything and I had a perfect open NAT, all other games were working 100% and my ping was well under 20ms so what was the problem?
That sounds familiar

I finally got to the multiplayer menu and searched for a game of deathmatch. I was thrown into a game in under a minute. So far so good. The game started up and instantly it was obvious there was a severe problem. I, and others, were warping all over the map and the game was absolutely unplayable. I would walk around the corner and suddenly be dead for no reason. When watching the killcam I could see that according to the game there was someone right in front of me but they weren’t there when I was playing.
I got the occasional lagspike but nothing like that. Just thought it had something to do with my connection.

Anyone else suffered these kind of problems?
If the line has problems with package loss. Ask them to raise your SNR margin a bit, it will lower your sync speed but will give your line a lot more stabilty/reliability.
Most of the times phone support "techies" don't know this, however they should be able to change your SNR. Just try it, see if that helps
Is Java working? If its not, you will get speed test result, but it can't test for packet loss.

Ha! Hadn't even java installed. If I'd taken my head out of my arse and moused over the package loss icon, I could've figured that out myself :D

Cheers to all! Works fine now :) As for CoD, that's most probably the servers that are overworked.