overclocking 5930k


New member
i'm using a 5930k on an asus sabertooth mb thinking about giving it a mild over clock maybe 4 ghz at most was wandering what you guys thought a good cpu core voltage would be ?
The lowest possible to achieve a stable over clock whilst being stress tested. Each chip is different so there's no one size fits all answer.
Depends on what your sample is capable of really.
For mine I could do 4.0GHz @ 1.076V. It passed a few tests but I think it BSOD after 5ish hours in a stress test, so I'd have to tweak it some more.

Have been running stock since those tests so I can't give you a precise answer of my chip at 4.0GHz. Just that I should need a little over 1.076V ^_^ I also have no idea whatsoever of where such a result would place the chip, bad, average or above average results.
Start at 1.25v (never know) and go lower till it doesnt pass stability tests. Frankly OP you should probably read up on overclocking before you mess around with it too much. Also if at all possible, try and get a fan bringing air over the VRMs.
Mine is running at 4 GHz @ 0.980v using Corsair 3000 (2800) MHz memory, running really nice. I had a 5820K before running at same speed, required 1.150v which is a HUGE difference.