Over 25% of Steam Users are using Windows 10 64-bit


News Guru
Right now over 25% of Steam users are using Windows 10 64-bit, but total Windows usage has declined with Mac and Linux both showing growth.


Read more on Windows 10's wide adoption by gamers on Steam.
I'm definitely one of them. I find Windows 10 a lot better than Windows 8. I do think it's cool to see that most gamers are still running Windows 7.
pc gamesrs say consoles hold back pc gaming. but i do think people not moving over to wndows 10 does not help any thing at all either.
pc gamesrs say consoles hold back pc gaming. but i do think people not moving over to wndows 10 does not help any thing at all either.

Well when all of the toys for my PC dont work as well or are not supported right now, that is stopping me move over. If i want to unplug my hotas i dont want to have to hard reset everytime.

Win 7 has no problems win 10 terrible. I know its only small but alot of gamers who are "holding" things back have alot of older things they want to still use and cant justify either buying new as it still works or cant afford it (i know win 10 is a "free" upgrade).

Its still only 64 bit and hardly any games if any fully support Direct X12 so whats the issue right now...

consoles have only just caught up to 64bit OS we have to let them feel semi decent before we destroy them again ;)
Would you mind elaborating on your opinion? :)
game dev for dx 12 and other features would be more prevalent if every one was on windows 10..
the larger the market that can utilize a feature the more likley it is to be implemented.
if those features would improve efficiency but cant be forced on as it would alienate to much of the market, then that market is holding back progress..

Well when all of the toys for my PC dont work as well or are not supported right now, that is stopping me move over. If i want to unplug my hotas i dont want to have to hard reset everytime.

Win 7 has no problems win 10 terrible. I know its only small but alot of gamers who are "holding" things back have alot of older things they want to still use and cant justify either buying new as it still works or cant afford it (i know win 10 is a "free" upgrade).

Its still only 64 bit and hardly any games if any fully support Direct X12 so whats the issue right now...

consoles have only just caught up to 64bit OS we have to let them feel semi decent before we destroy them again ;)

as for peripherals..
i dont have a single thing that worked on windows 7 that wont work on windows 10.. what do you have that wont work on 10 but will work on 7?
as for peripherals..
i dont have a single thing that worked on windows 7 that wont work on windows 10.. what do you have that wont work on 10 but will work on 7?

Just on this - My X52 was flawless on Win7Pro 64 but is a bit hit and miss on Win10. It works... just not as it should sometimes. Detection issues, lighting issues, buttons don't work on occasion.

Disclaimer - it's easily ten years old so can't really complain.
pc gamesrs say consoles hold back pc gaming. but i do think people not moving over to wndows 10 does not help any thing at all either.

How so?

If I want an operating system that already has full direct X11 support (because we're not getting mainstream takeup of DX12 for atleast another 9-12 months) and isn't some horrible mix between the worst bits of 7 and 8 then I don't get how that is holding anything back?
game dev for dx 12 and other features would be more prevalent if every one was on windows 10..
the larger the market that can utilize a feature the more likley it is to be implemented.
if those features would improve efficiency but cant be forced on as it would alienate to much of the market, then that market is holding back progress..

Companies need to adapt to the market, the market should not have to adapt to the companies, they (Microsoft) are the ones doing the alienating and have left the door open for the Khronos Group and Vulkan to potentially take a large chunk of the market share whereas if they had made DX12 available to previous platforms they could have kept their position, personally I think MS in a bit of hot water with all the adware preinstalled and god only knows what the "service" will cost in the future, again more ammunition for the likes of SteamOS/Linux/Vulkan etc

I wouldn't be surprised if in 12 months or less they roll out DX12 for W8 at the least of course this is my own speculation with no real evidence to back it up but I look forward to seeing how they are going to approach the changes that are happening in PC community.(My guess is subscription service but we shall see)

Also a blanket statement such as "game dev for dx 12 and other features would be more prevalent if every one was on windows 10" has absolutely no merit without proof, can you tell me of a single dev that has made that statement?

DX12 is more of a marketing term at present IMO, sure it has technological advantages but development based on DX12 has been more of a sticker to add to a title imo, who heard of Ashes of the Singularity or that other game Coffee(?) before DX12 benchmarks and MS hype started going around?
Also a blanket statement such as "game dev for dx 12 and other features would be more prevalent if every one was on windows 10" has absolutely no merit without proof, can you tell me of a single dev that has made that statement?

EA wanted all games they published to be only dx12 once windows 10 arrived, they went on the record with that statement..
Now obviously i hate ea because ea is ea and ea suck. but they did want all their games to be dx12 only (that would have included the new star wars) and they wanted all other devs/publishers to do the same thing.

there was a bit of a backlash over that. and some idiots like reviewtechusa went on youtube to spout how it was a terrible idea and people with gtx 780's would have to buy new graphics cards because they couldnt do dx 12.. (thats some classic reviewtechusa no clue about anything reporting right there)

but the stance for moving directly and instantly to dx12 that EA had was actually one thing i agree with EA on.
but if they look and see people not changing to windows 10 then they wont do it. EA is always and will always be about the money. and if dx11 covers more of the market than dx12 then they wont do what they want to do, even if dx12 would let them make better games.
obviously they haven't done it either because star wars is not going to be dx 12 only. and you cant blame consoles for that.
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Have you got it in writing that it was going to be dx12 only? I remember some people getting confused because it was announced that frostbyte was going to have DX12 support.

Dont have any links or anything, I do think it was the frostbyte devs that started it but ea seemed to think it was a good idea.
and the statement was something allomng the lines of they wanted "MIN spec" for all ea games "and preferably every one else" to be dx12 and windows 10 by 2016.
"they definatley said min spec dx 12 and windows 10 by 2016"

i will look for links in a while.

this windows does seem to be the one most people migrated to the soonest. but it isnt enough for all game devs and publishers to go ahead and make min spec windows 10 and dx 12.
Would be nice if they could though.
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Funny how OS's always divide the PC community, when W8 came out it was much like this W10 release.

My main issue not withstanding the incompatibilities or driver issues etc as no doubt these will be resolved with some time but the uncertainty of how MS business model for W10 will work in 12 months, with W7/8 you knew what you where getting, you paid the money, you got your OS, business ends there (unless of course you wanted some other proprietary software for MS) with W10 who knows what unforeseen cost's lurk around the corner, will they start asking for money for access to some of the features? Do you think that impossible for MS to implement?

All this and the only real reason to upgrade is for yet more software that doesn't even exist yet (actual decent DX12 titles)

this windows does seem to be the one most people migrated to the soonest. but it isnt enough for all game devs and publishers to go ahead and make min spec windows 10 and dx 12.
Would be nice if they could though.

Of course it was, it's "free",

but it isnt enough for all game devs and publishers to go ahead and make min spec windows 10 and dx 12.
Would be nice if they could though.
Would be real nice to alienate half the PC gaming community so a quarter can have new shiny, ridiculous.
how is it ridiculous.. :huh:

those who couldnt game at a basic dx12 lvl if they had windows 10 now cant play a new dx 11 game on windows 7 or 8 either..
any dx 11 card will have some dx 12 capabilities so would be able to play the games.
If they are on macs or linux then they cant play the games any way.
So how is it ridiculous...
The only people that would be alienated are the ones that did not move to windows 10.. Which is why i said it is those people holding up pc gaming, not consoles.
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those who couldnt game at a basic dx12 lvl if they had windows 10 now cant play a new dx 11 game on windows 7 or 8 either.
How can people not play new DX11 titles on W7 or W8?

If they are on macs or linux then they cant play the games any way.
Not exactly accurate but a point I will concede, for now ;)

So how is it ridiculous...
What you are saying is the equivalent of "Nvidia has 80% of the Market so lets make our game run only on AMD Fury's cuz its newer and stuff" , completely ridiculous and makes no sense.

Companies in most instances are forced to react to the market (i.e. most people still use W7, in an ideal world where MS had a competitor in this space they would be forced to allow compatibility with older OS's or else lose market share to their competitor as they would provide a similar service to people still using that product, think spurious Car parts, when a manufacturer no longer produces an item a company outside the OEM usually step in to start producing said part)

MS is in a privileged position, it essentially has a monopoly on gaming as it stands and as such is leveraging its position to force an update to facilitate its new business model and "services", whatever that may be.

If there is a programmer in the house can they give a legitimate reason why DX12 couldn't ever work on W7/8, or is it, as many suspect, an arbitrary decision based on MS marketing tactics?
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If they can play new dx 11 games on 7 or 8. and all devs changed to windows 10 dx 12 min spec. all those people have to do is upgrade to windows 10. because if you can play dx11 then you can play dx 12. you just need windows 10.

and no.. im not saying the equivalent of making games only run on amd at all..
dx12 is more efficient. will let games run faster with less hardware needed. and reduced overhead "lots of good stuff"
If you can play dx11 you can play dx12.
And windows 10 is free..
So its nothing like your comparison. a more accurate comparison would be. Its like game devs making games for xbox one only when most people still have a 360.. alienating them.. Which was the case for a while.
But with consoles people are forced to upgrade, and they all do it..
To me it seems stupid to blame consoles for holding back gaming when pc gamers dont upgrade to the new os when its free, meaning more game devs are reluctant to change min specs to dx 12 so they can keep a larger market share..

i really do think ea were on the right track when they said they wanted all games to be windows 10 and dx12 min spec by 2016..
star wars battlefront needs a x64 min os and windows 10 x64 recommended.. if they had stuck to their guns "and i wish they had" then min spec would have also been x64 windows 10.
they could have made it dx12 only and it wouldnt have mattered one bit. the people who can run it now would have been able to run it for the cost of 1 free windows upgrade.
it would have been better and helped transitioning in to dx 12 faster than any previous version of dx.
games like fallout 4 would still be dx 11 no doubt simply due to how long it had been in development. but since the release of windows 10 any game that was subsequently put in to development there is no reason for any of them that would have been dx11 not to be dx12 instead.
star wars battlefront needs a x64 min os and windows 10 x64 recommended.. if they had stuck to their guns "and i wish they had" then min spec would have also been x64 windows 10.

Except it wasn't the plan. For starters the game was in development before DX12 was really drawn up..

I did a bit more digging and you're getting confused by
Star Wars Battlefront Dev Wants "Win 10 Plus DX12 As Minimum Specs For Holiday 2016 Frosbite Games"
(See this)