Optimus Keyboard Update

name='Eguy' said:
I want one too! I hope its wireless

Impossibe tbh, unless they release UWB wireless USB early or something, the amount of bandwidth it would require does not exist unless you want latency.
Yeah true, but since you would think its impossible to make it in the first place you never know ;)
name='Eguy' said:
Yeah true, but since you would think its impossible to make it in the first place you never know ;)

Its not impossible to make, although there was a patent made for a keyboard of similar design made in 1996 or so, so it may be impossible for them to produce ;).
Wirelessly posted (Nextel BB7520: BlackBerry7520/4.0.2 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1)

Someone here get one when they come out and write a review on it. At this point its going to be reallllly hard for me to get rid of the G15, its just sooooo sick!
FragTek said:
Wirelessly posted (Nextel BB7520: BlackBerry7520/4.0.2 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1)

Someone here get one when they come out and write a review on it. At this point its going to be reallllly hard for me to get rid of the G15, its just sooooo sick!

I am going to get one the second it is up for sale :)