Nzxt h440 new silent high cpu and gpu temp


New member
hi guys,

im worried about my temps with this case.

my cpu temps are under load 67 to 72 degrees C with the h110i GT with the cpu on stock clock.

70 to 80 degrees c on oc full load and under division gameplay

my gpus 85 degrees on top card and 74 on the bottom card, playing the division.

to keep my temps down i have to take the top cover of and have all the chassie fans on max to be able to keep gpu temps under 80c and cpu temps under 70c

or is this normal load temps for this cpu and gpus??

feels like the restricted air flow in the top and front is the bad guy here.


corsair h110i gt with noctua 140 ippc pwm 2000rpm mounted in the top with fans in pull config exhausting the air from the chassie

H440 new silent all stock fans powerd by mobo
maximus 8 hero
intel 6700k
two asus strix tgx 980 ti
corsair rm 1000x
corsair lpx ddr4 2666 dimms 4x4 gb
samsung nvme 950 pro 256 gb
samsung 850 evo 500gb
wd red 4 tb
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The H440 is a silent case (or quiet) and is therefore not the most amazing cooler however your temps aren't bad. I run dual 980s and they go to 75 under load (top card) in quite an airy case.
Do your Ti's throttle at all?
Your CPU temps are higher than some may have but they're well within the operating limits.
hi thx for the reply! :)

regarding the cpu both the cpu mobo and ram are sent to the seller for testing (freeses bluescreening, really high cpu temps when only running the cpu and so on...)

my gpus are throttling and backing down the clocks but i have not been able to test it further since the heart of the pc is at the doctors :p

im using the gpu tweak 2 in oc mode the gpus run at a 1400 mhz at the first 30 min, then they are throttling down to 1190-1230 some where in between when the temps are rising in the case,

since then ive orderd a corsair air 540 3 noiseblocker eloops 12-3 fans for the front intake and one 14-2 for the back of the case, so im hoping the new case and fans will give me more cool air (and a positive preassure) for both my gpus and cpu when i get my mobo,cpu and ram back....
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Wasnt there other threads asking the exact same question?

The 2 strix cards are just going to dump all the heat into your case so of course the temps would be a bit on the high side. The temps are by no means unreasonable nor dangerous.
maybe ive missed those threads...

yeah i got tho the understanding that there would be some heat dissapated in the chassie.
but what i dindt think of is the amount of cold air i needed to bring in to the case when i bought and mounted the second strix card .....

my silent case didint really like the dual 980tis :(

so i bought another cassie and better fans to accomodate the heat from the strix cards and to be able to give the cpu radiator with the noctua 140 mm ippc fans the air it needs to cool my system properly. so i hope that it will run slightly cooler
hi i bought a corsair air 540 and 3 noiseblocker 12-3 120mm fans for the front and one noiseblocker 14-2 140mm fan for the rear.

so i am now just waiting for mu mobo cpu and ram to be tested and maybe replaced so i can build the rig back together .... just a emty case and a lot of pc parts everywhere:p
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Nice! You'll get plenty of airflow through that so should suit the Ti's just fine. It will be a bit louder but unless you go full loop then there's always a compromise between performance, heat and noise.
yeah i know i have to put silence aside for the perfomance but i just want my rig to work properly so... its a thing i can live with.