Nvidia's RTX SUPER review dates leak - Designed to ruin Navi's launch

Not sure how this is really competing, the RTX2070 S is closer in price to a Radeon VII than a 5700XT. The RTX2060 S is a little below the 5700XT's price, but we already know it performs worse? Then the only competition left really for the 5700 is the original RTX2060, which again performs worse for a little less?

Of course these had to have been preconceived SKUs a while ago and they had to kinda guess at price points and work with existing chips, but these just seem like product stack gap fillers than anything really competing in the same price points.
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Maybe competing isn't the right word, more that Nvidia are trying to steal AMD's thunder. Which, if I'm honest, isn't going to be hard. I don't think Navi is going to be particularly special or interesting. It'll be more of a brief shower than a thunder storm.