Nvidia's Game Ready drivers for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain have been relea

As much as I like the looks of Gameworks features, Not the performance though, I really hope this game is vendor neutral.
Yeah... not going to be installing this one either! Had to roll back from 355.60 because it screwed up my desktop, and caused a whole bunch of CTD from most games.
Yeah... not going to be installing this one either! Had to roll back from 355.60 because it screwed up my desktop, and caused a whole bunch of CTD from most games.

It's one of the reasons I switched exclusively to AMD, I've been running various Nvidia GPU's as my main card for around 5 years now and I've always had problems with CTD's, BSODS, Display driver stopped responding etc...

I've had a 290X since around launch in my 2nd rig and never had a problem with drivers hence my decision was an easy one when I went for the Fury X as my main card, They might not bring as many drivers out like Nvidia tend to, Sometimes 3 in 1 week, But they are solid for the most part in comparison.
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It's one of the reasons I switched exclusively to AMD, I've been running various Nvidia GPU's as my main card for around 5 years now and I've always had problems with CTD's, BSODS, Display driver stopped responding etc...

I've had a 290X since around launch in my 2nd rig and never had a problem with drivers hence my decision was an easy one when I went for the Fury X as my main card, They might not bring as many drivers out like Nvidia tend to, Sometimes 3 in 1 week, But they are solid for the most part in comparison.

This is what I liked about my 6950, had it for 3 years and no isses what so ever... since I got my 980Ti, got random crashes etc lol.

Even after the PC has slept, the drivers have pooped out from dual monitors... no problems with my old 6950.

So you have left out your Titan X bud and now running Fury X? :huh:... I surely must have missed something here...
This is what I liked about my 6950, had it for 3 years and no isses what so ever... since I got my 980Ti, got random crashes etc lol.

Even after the PC has slept, the drivers have pooped out from dual monitors... no problems with my old 6950.

So you have left out your Titan X bud and now running Fury X? :huh:... I surely must have missed something here...

Sold my Titan X ages ago bud :)
Seriously, if my 980tis didn't OC so well I would be more persistent in getting a trio of Fury Xs. I don't know why, however I have never experienced any driver issues from AMD on my desktop GPUs, only on my 7970m prior to switching it out due to crappy enduro issues ( hell of a lot better now BTW). This is unless of course you count the Frame pacing ordeal, though then again nVidia had/had the same issue on the Maxwell lineup when in SLI.
A lot of people lately are having lots of Nvidia driver issues. AMDs are solid in comparison(always have been for me too). AMD said they were going to hire more software engineers. Maybe they stole some of Nvidia's hence the bad drivers lately:p
I wouldnt say AMDs drivers have been solid, they have their share of problems too. Albeit a lot less than nVidia at the moment. At first I thought it was due to Maxwell, but then I remembered the 750ti. Either way, SLI is a mess atm, at least in comparison.
I wouldnt say AMDs drivers have been solid, they have their share of problems too. Albeit a lot less than nVidia at the moment. At first I thought it was due to Maxwell, but then I remembered the 750ti. Either way, SLI is a mess atm, at least in comparison.

Hence why I said "in comparison";)
AMD drivers personally for me never one issue. I mean I had display driver stopped working etc but that was due to OC'ing. I'm sure some people may have a couple issues with it, but again in comparison to Nvidia atm, it's not even worth mentioning.
Bit off topic but I don't know where else to ask lads; does this game let you remap the keyboard keys so I can use the arrow keys and the numerical area? I put down gz because if this being impossible.
Ahh, my bad. Either way, it doesn't matter how terrible their drivers get. There will always be those delusional fanb***** and nvidiots running around. Getting bloody annoying, even had one have a go at me for considering getting a trio of Fury Xs for my spare x99 rig...
If it wasn't for the fact I use the Cuda cores for Rendering in Blender, I'd be looking at going back to a Radeon, I do miss the HD6790 it was an overlooked card.