Nvidia to Phase out 2GB GTX 960 GPUs

I think it was a stupid card in the first place adding 4gb to it dosent make it any more attractive on a card that cant use 4gbs of vram thay need to stop mucking about and make a 960ti
The 960 can use the 4gb of VRAM(check out Paul's Hardware's GTA V VRAM usage video) Just because the card isn't up to spec for some doesn't men that it's completely gimped. There's no way of denying that it is the perfect card for 1080p high/ultra and 1440p high settings. Also, a 960ti would completely cannibalize the gtx 970 sales. There wouldn't be a point in buying either the 960 and 970 because there's something in between. Plus, 2gb at 1080p is still perfect unless you're some kind of masochist.
While this is clearly just stupid, it's going to make it incredibly hard for anyone to sell 2GB cards, because nVidia.

Well..why not?
960 with 4 gigs can play most games on 1080p so.
Just like the other guy said.."because Nvidia" :p
Does kind of make sense i mean look at Fallouts minimum specs it needs a 2gig card. won't be long before this is the norm and no one is going to want to spend near £200 on a card that is only meeting minimum specs.

I agree with NVIDIA on this one. Cut their losses on the 2GB GTX 960. The AMD R9 380 is unanimously a better card for the same price and NVIDIA has the GTX 950 to dominate that price bracket that is barely slower than a GTX 960 anyways.

Still selling the 4GB GTX 960 for now is an ok move though as people who already own the card still have the chance to buy a second GPU to SLI those and get good performance gains instead of having to try and sell their card used and upgrade from there.

The 960 can use the 4gb of VRAM(check out Paul's Hardware's GTA V VRAM usage video) Just because the card isn't up to spec for some doesn't men that it's completely gimped. There's no way of denying that it is the perfect card for 1080p high/ultra and 1440p high settings. Also, a 960ti would completely cannibalize the gtx 970 sales. There wouldn't be a point in buying either the 960 and 970 because there's something in between. Plus, 2gb at 1080p is still perfect unless you're some kind of masochist.

Agreed. Besides, if someone wanted to SLI 2GB GTX 960? They'd run into VRAM walls like I do with my 2GB GTX 680 Two-Way SLI setup where lots of newer games I'm VRAM limited and not graphical processor limited. I could crank my graphics more in GTA V if I had more VRAM per card... If I crank my settings up too much? I get random drops to 10FPS if my VRAM usage gets out of hand...

While this is clearly just stupid, it's going to make it incredibly hard for anyone to sell 2GB cards, because nVidia.


Why? Because GTX 680's also have 2GB VRAM models too? :P

Most are around the $200 to $250 USD mark... so the same price as a GTX 960 2GB... maybe a little more expensive but it's also slightly faster.

Such is the way of technology anyways... what was super fast before is only mid-range today and will be low-end next year. Will HBM2 accelerate GPU aging on GDDR5 cards? Maybe... maybe not. Time will tell with Dx12 / Vulkan too how well our cards will perform in those titles. So far from my tests? My GTX 680 performs slightly better in places, but slightly worse in others. Maybe it's due to how good NVIDIA drivers were in Dx11 or maybe it's due to async-compute not functioning correctly on my older card? Who knows.