Activate rant mode...
The best part is people will actually buy this.
Its so hilariously pointless. It's just a 980Ti (or whatever they call it) with twice the VRAM and less butchered DP support. Except it has no ECC.... anyone working with DP will want ECC, and pretty much every application of DP will want people to use a quadro ANYWAY just for the professional drivers, which is what you pay for when you get a quadro.
The only people who buy titans are ignorant or just have too much money, there is always a better alternative.
It's even funnier too because nvidia's marketing team has done a GREAT job of fooling people into arguing over "its a gaming card, its not a gaming card" and somehow avoiding the fact that this is literally the most overpriced thing EVER. It is a gaming card, since it has no ECC and no professionally certified drivers, they even market it as a gaming card, but also market it as a "professional GPU" on the side in places that informed people look, in order to put two opinions across, so people argue over it! It's a genius work of social engineering thats for a fact.
AMD cards have less butchered DP support on pretty much all their cards, do that somehow mean that those cards are now "professional" GPU's? No not really.
I can't wait to pay £1000 for a butchered GPU die with no ECC, no professional drivers and only slightly better DP performance which was butchered intentionally to make the titan look better and to artificially reduce TDP figures for marketing..... oh wait, I won't be buying one.
Rant mode over... sorry about that, but it was welling up inside for a while.