No sooner than we'd all got used to the outstanding GTX980 and the GTX980Ti is upon us. Does it do to the GTX980 what the GTX780Ti did to the GTX780?
Nvidia GTX980Ti Review
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The GTX 980Ti is a great GPU, I just hope AMD can compete with the R9 390X or Fiji Pro or whatever they call it.
I reckon it's going to be the 780 Ti/290X days all over again personally.
New graphs look great BTW.
Great review. Really fast card but gosh £550. NVIDIA really needs some competition from AMD.
That's a great price considering the 980 Matrix was going for £599.99 only weeks ago.
It's only a great price compared to other overpriced cards though. In 2010 I could get GTX 480's the fastest card NVIDIA sold at that time for £330-£360 retail.
Now the fastest card the Titan X is £840-£900. The second step down £550? I mean come on, these prices are absolutely ridiculous.
The original Titan was about £670 right? - These prices are way above inflation, way way above.
AMD is just not giving any competition to these cards and NVIDIA are pulling an Intel, releasing extremely overpriced cards.
Of course the 980 Ti looks good compared to the 980 at £450 but that is overpriced too in my opinion.
I think it should be more like £250 for a 970 (Current price), £350 for a 980, £450 for a 980 Ti and £550 for a Titan X.
I think at these prices I'm gonna jump ship to AMD but I'm not making any decisions until I see the Radeon Fury and the other cards in their lineup.
The first Titan launched at a price of £830 so it's roughly the same a current pricing and "Overpriced" is highly subjective really.
Hopefully the aftermarket 980 Ti's come with backplates, Still baffled as to why they don't, Can't be to do with temps considering EVGA sell Titan X backplates.
Can anyone convince me not to buy two of these to run them in SLI? ^_^
Epic graphs Tom love the new way of displaying the results.
The 980ti is again epic all the way from price to performance...
This has made me worry for AMD, but I do hope that they have something spectacular for us soon.
Anyone think this has or will change what prices AMD release the new 3xx series?