Nvidia Adaptive Shading Boosts Wolfenstein II's Performance

7% doesn't sound that much, but that's only because the FPS are already so high. Imho, the fact that those 7% translate to 9 FPS is a pretty awesome leap, especially for owners of 144Hz monitors.
Boosting the performance of this game kinda reminds me of a laxative. It will just make the poo come out faster :p

I do like these new ideas though. Nvidia has designed some really cool features over the years that mostly go unnoticed which is a bit of a shame. Their driver team should get a lot more credit than they do.
Boosting the performance of this game kinda reminds me of a laxative. It will just make the poo come out faster :p

ROFL!! You are not kidding. I cannot believe I paid for this game, only to ditch it after the first non-skippable 5-minute dramatic cut scene.
If he's anything like me, he just launches a game like Wolfenstein to kill some nazis immediately.
Why are you playing a singleplayer game, when you want to skip the cut scenes? :confused::confused::confused:

Because this game shocks you, then bores the crap out of you. It's 90% cut scenes, 10% action. Seriously, the actual play scenes are shorter than the cut scenes.

The first Wolfenstein remake (the one before this) absolutely nailed down everything. It was superb. This game? it's a rolling demo.
Why are you playing a singleplayer game, when you want to skip the cut scenes? :confused::confused::confused:

Dude, this is WOLFENSTEIN, not some dumb-arse soap opera, and that's exactly what this game series turned into. This series used to be a SHOOTER, with fast-paced gameplay and tons of hyper-violence. Now it's a sappy-story-driven drama with AWFUL cut scenes that are so over-the-top with drama that it's completely NAUSEATING.
lol I am noticing a pattern. Its almost like for every post Alien makes, Bartacus replies with agreement right after

You two are joined at the hip! hah!
"Sorry" is not a word an extreme idiot like me uses on the internet. :p I do try to be polite though, until I'm enraged, or drunk. :D