nOoBie News!


New member
Well just watching the new... Can't remeber if it was BBC or ITV buy hey..

Talking about Blue-ray and HD-DVD, They asked the peopel on the street about them and they where like "EERERRRR? What are they?"

And yet us on here ave known about this tech of like 1 year? :mad:

Why is the world so dumb? :nono:
lol i just saw that. £1000+ for a blue ray reader wtf?! Surely it would be cheaper just to buy a ps3 lol - just for its blueray capabilities

Personally I think blueray will prevail if it doesnt become a constant struggle that is. Dont ask me why
name='Rastalovich' said:
Coz it aint on something like bigbrother.

Hit the nail on the head.

Ive knows about Bluray for at least 2 years tbh. HD for a little less.
£1000 is probably right for a home player thing, I heard $1000, that was b4 the ps3 came out tho.

Retail stores kinda thing, on the net side u probably knock so many 100 off.
like someone said Dad knows loads about plants and flowers, I know nothing, depends what your in to I guess.

On the DVD player front I remeber being really chuffed years ago after parting with £600 for a Philips DVD player, walked in to Argos the other week £18.95...I shook my head :D
name='underclocker' said:
On the DVD player front I remeber being really chuffed years ago after parting with £600 for a Philips DVD player, walked in to Argos the other week £18.95...I shook my head :D

That's what you get for being an early adopter:p

It was years before I decided to buy a CD deck for my Hi-Fi (gramaphone to those who don't know what a Hi-Fi is:p ) and I didn't buy an in-home DVD player until 2 years ago, and that cost me £22 from the local supermarket.

But with regards to the public not knowing jack about technology. I think it's a terrible state of affairs. Yet they still mess about with things they don't know anything about.

I have a mate who phones me at least once a week and each time the first thing he says "I need your help. I've touched something and it's all gone 'YERK!'"

Yes, he's talking about his PC and I've come to the conclusion he keeps f@rting about with his system settings and knackering something. On most occasions I tell him to take it to a PC shop, 'cos I just haven't got a clue what he's done or what he's talking about.

But where Blue-Ray is concerned. It's gonna be years before I invest. (If it survives that long). Given Sony's track record, Memory Stick, Mini Disc and UMD? 3 out of 3 is pushing it.;)
But where Blue-Ray is concerned. It's gonna be years before I invest. (If it survives that long). Given Sony's track record, Memory Stick, Mini Disc and UMD? 3 out of 3 is pushing it
I'll invest in both once hybrid drives become available
Well im hopying the blueray will come out on top - just so i can tell my parents the ps3 is a cheaper blue ray reader amongst other things (a folding machine, something to play my ps2 games on and i just gotta play some of the lauch titles :yumyum:)
name='underclocker' said:
like someone said Dad knows loads about plants and flowers, I know nothing, depends what your in to I guess.

On the DVD player front I remeber being really chuffed years ago after parting with £600 for a Philips DVD player, walked in to Argos the other week £18.95...I shook my head :D

Alot of the £19-£29 variety ones act up alot. U can be disapointed when u want to show every1 u`r holiday video or summit.
Not really, DVD players are cheap now in general. I hope Blu Ray comes out too cause i dont like HD-DVD and i bet somebody Blueray will make it lol. DVD sucked at first, as does everything. So im guessing it will just take some time.