No Man's Sky taking off June 2016


Average Penis Too
During Sony's Paris Games Week press conference, developer Hello Games has announced that No Man's Sky will launch (no pun intended) in June 2016.


Read more on No Man's Sky's launch window.
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That sure is a lot of planets.. Just reading it out took 5 mins:p
Although with that many planets, I wonder how they are able to make each one unique from the rest. Are they procedurally generated?

Looks really interesting though, sorta like an arcadey elite dangerous(not literally):)
That sure is a lot of planets.. Just reading it out took 5 mins:p
Although with that many planets, I wonder how they are able to make each one unique from the rest. Are they procedurally generated?

Looks really interesting though, sorta like an arcadey elite dangerous(not literally):)

Yeah it's procedurally generated dude, here's Sean Murray (Hello Games MD) talking a little about it:

I can't wait for this game, it just looks right up my street. At E3 this year Sean Murray said the game will be a simultaneous PC and PS4 release, but since then we have had no information on a release until this weeks Paris Games Week when Sony announced the June release next year. I love the Blade Runner inspired trailer too (I believe it is Rutger Hauers voice as well) - as if I needed any more reason to be excited for NMS!
Yeah they're procedurally generated. I'm very excited for NMS too! I wonder if it will support VR headsets (Oculus, HTC Vive, PlayStation VR). That would be ace!
Argh! VR can't come soon enough!! Literally just found out about SAO and watched it last week and now these VR headsets just won't cut it.

Still NMS on VR would be quite interesting.
(int)eresting maximum value 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 being 2^64 :)

I'm still super interested to see the larger scale stuff working as every video of the smaller stuff (planets, creatures and stuff) has been really cool. But all the 'zoom out' videos all looked kinda the same... i.e always 'pulled out' of the view in the same way.

I have no doubts that it's there and will be awesome, but as you know Elite is kinda coming at it from the other direction, going large scale, getting that right and then working on the details.

From the footage I've seen I'm fairly confident their 'universe' is entirely random, instead of based on 'science' or at the very least 'sudo science' but I'm more than happy to be proven wrong :)

It's definitely a bit of a re-born age for space games, and it's exciting times :)
NMS should be amazing. I really think that when they release this game I will most likely play it more then anything else. The amount of exploration and its vastness is extremely alluring to me.
I don't have much interest in Star Citizen or Elite Dangerous but this game interests me. Looks like something to just sit back and relax with whilst listening to some music as you go around exploring.
one thing i dont really like about the proceduraly generated idea is that you cant really interact with it..
it would be nice if you shot down a tree or blow a hole in the floor that it would always be there.
but as its proceduraly generated then forgotten and regenerated it wont have any of the scars you left on them.
i would be much more exited about it if the scars you put on the planets stayed on the planet..

This could lead to some very huge and epic games, especially if you introduced minerals and fossil flues etc with an infinite amount of procedural generated stars and solar systems, you could make one hell of a multi player game.
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one thing i dont really like about the proceduraly generated idea is that you cant really interact with it..
it would be nice if you shot down a tree or blow a hole in the floor that it would always be there.
but as its proceduraly generated then forgotten and regenerated it wont have any of the scars you left on them.
i would be much more exited about it if the scars you put on the planets stayed on the planet..

This could lead to some very huge and epic games, especially if you introduced minerals and fossil flues etc with an infinite amount of procedural generated stars and solar systems, you could make one hell of a multi player game.

Depends if it's generated only once or not. Obviously, if it's not re-generated then they'd need some way to store the persistent state for up to 2^64 planets.
(int)eresting maximum value 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 being 2^64 :)

I'm still super interested to see the larger scale stuff working as every video of the smaller stuff (planets, creatures and stuff) has been really cool. But all the 'zoom out' videos all looked kinda the same... i.e always 'pulled out' of the view in the same way.

I have no doubts that it's there and will be awesome, but as you know Elite is kinda coming at it from the other direction, going large scale, getting that right and then working on the details.

From the footage I've seen I'm fairly confident their 'universe' is entirely random, instead of based on 'science' or at the very least 'sudo science' but I'm more than happy to be proven wrong :)

It's definitely a bit of a re-born age for space games, and it's exciting times :)

Depends if it's generated only once or not. Obviously, if it's not re-generated then they'd need some way to store the persistent state for up to 2^64 planets.

if its all mathematical. and its a case of if here compute this. then i don't see why variables couldn't be added to that equation if some one had interacted with it.
then all it needs to do is remember the variable(s) for that position, and wouldn't need to add millions of them because lots of people had interacted or even because 1 person interacted lots...

100-1-1-1-3-4-5-2-4-6 is the same as 100-27
all that has to change is the variable..
I know its more complex than that, but it is that premise. but with an infinite number of planets and stars would also come an infinite number of variables. and i guess they could start taking up space like crazy. but on a smaller scale say 10,000 procedural generated solar systems with an average of 5 planets and 1 star i don't see it being an issue. even 20,000 wouldn't be beyond the realms of expectation.

And i think it would be cool to have people playing a first person rts game with procedural generated planets they can claim as home, with others coming to help build and expand on the planet maybe creating countries and having small wars on that planet, only to have some one else come swooping in with a battle cruiser to take over for the mineral wealth.. with planets being left scarred and depleted with the habitation becoming less and less possible unless you managed the resources properly.
but none of that is possible unless you can interact with planets on a permanent basis.
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one thing i dont really like about the proceduraly generated idea is that you cant really interact with it..
it would be nice if you shot down a tree or blow a hole in the floor that it would always be there.
but as its proceduraly generated then forgotten and regenerated it wont have any of the scars you left on them.
i would be much more exited about it if the scars you put on the planets stayed on the planet..

This could lead to some very huge and epic games, especially if you introduced minerals and fossil flues etc with an infinite amount of procedural generated stars and solar systems, you could make one hell of a multi player game.

I wonder how much of a possibility this is, considering how huge the universe is in this game. Wouldn't all the little scars and holes in the floor clog up the game and make it impossible to process? IDK how games work, so bare with me if this sounds stupid.
not sure my self but as its all built on algorithms i dont see why you couldn't just add variables to a set space..
the guy says that when you get to a place the game will ask a mathematical question which gets answered the answer is always the same because that place is always going to ask the same question. so i don't see why variables couldn't be added at the end of the equation which are generated by the interaction,
i also dont see how this would slowdown the generation at all. obviously the complexity grows when you add variables but it is still an equation never the less but provided the variables are attributed to the space and not to the main algorithm it should not have any knock on effects to other planets.
if it was attributed directly to the algorithm all hell would break loose because the answer to question 1 +/- the variable would probably not create an acceptable result for question 2 +/- the same variable.

but i honestly dont see why it could not be done. although the amount of solar systems that could be computed would have to be lowered, i really dont see how 50k to 100k planets would not be enough. the server side only has to keep updating variables for a location, the main algorithm + variable would always be getting computed by the end users system. I suppose the main computing issues would come from the other players being in and around and calculating hit boxes and lag compensation.
but i still think its possible and would be something i would be exited too see.. hell even 12k planets per server with a dedicated server for each region would probably be enough for every one to be able to play 24/7..

Id just like to see how long before humans destroyed every planet lol.
So far away :( I expect it will end up getting delayed until after summer aswell. Still, looking forward to the game although I would love there to be more of a chance of meeting others in the universe or at least a co-op mode.
As far as I'm aware there is no multiplayer, other than the players are part of the same universe so some things may overlap, i.e. if someone discovers a planet first they can name it, which other players will see once they find it for themselves.

As for the persistent procedural state, sure it could be done, but the amount of data required seems very high. Say a planet had a conservative 100 trees, each tree has a health value 0 -255 (1 byte) at different health values it looks different and is destroyed at 0. For one planet you'd need 100 * 1 byte = 100 bytes. For the entire universe with each planet having up to 100 trees that would be (in raw form) 100 bytes * 2^64 = 1.8 × 10^9 terabytes.. (potentially) per player..
This is of course a naive approach and without compression but it does put it into perspective of how much data could be required for a persistent universe.
As far as I'm aware there is no multiplayer, other than the players are part of the same universe so some things may overlap, i.e. if someone discovers a planet first they can name it, which other players will see once they find it for themselves.

There have been a few mentions of a 'traditional multiplayer component', but nothing more than that. And I believe this was some time ago (last year I believe), and I guess it may not even exist now. Maybe a private instanced star system where you and friends can play together would be cool.