Next Water Cooling Project


So earlier this year I finished my second water cooling project, which turned out faily ok. However the H240-X gave me issues with way too fast water evaporation. Something was not right with the reservoir, hence in the end decided to get rid of it and go back to air cooling for the time being.

Funny as things turn out, I don't even have any parts from that PC anymore. This wasn't even something I planned, but I got a killer deal on an i7 5930K, ASUS Sabertooth X99 motherboard, and 16GB Corsair DDR4 2800 MHz memory. The parts were only one month old, and I payed 55% of the listed market price. All parts were legit. Also the PSU died way too early, another point in the black book for Corsair on my part :cussing:

Anyway not to ramble too long, I'm looking to get this sweet hardware water cooled. I currently have a Fractal Design R5 case, an EVGA GTX 980 Ti SuperDuperClockedCastrol2000+ ACX+++ something :D

So I plan on using these parts:

  • Parallel loop this time. Loop will reverse at CPU block, then go back down through the graphics card.
  • D5 vario pump for silent operations.
  • Alphacool 360mm x 45mm rad top mounted. Would this be enough for a SLI setup as well?
  • EK FC-Titan X waterblock Acetal - reusing EVGA backplate.
  • 16/10mm ZMT rubbertubing (I don't use windowed sidepanel)
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The loop won't reverse :D, that was poorly phrased, I assume you have a better understanding and that sounds like a nice plan. Cannot dispute the D5 vario choice they are awesome. Also ZMT is probably my favourite flexible tube, it's absolutely swag, 100% the classiest flexible tube available IMO. Infact it's a shame you don't have a window if your using that :D

I would say the radiator area with a single 360 isn't enough to make it worth doing, with a pair? of 980Ti's? and a 2011 chip it's either going to be quite hot or really not that quiet. I would aim for a pair of 360's to reach a sensible compromise. At least 360 + 240 which is possible in the R5? An extra radiator isn't a massive expense, especially as you will already have case fans where it mounts anyway.

One thing that confuses me is why you would run a parallel configuration when aesthetics aren't a concern. Aside the pretty symmetry of the tubing it doesn't offer any advantages. With a D5 reducing restriction is not a concern at all. I would make it all serial if it's just for performance.

The loop won't reverse :D, that was poorly phrased

Uhm.. Yeah I didn't mean the water actually going in reverse heh.

I mean of course something like this:
