New Star War Battlefront Multiplayer Modes Revealed


News Guru
New Star War Battlefront Multiplayer Modes have been revealed, including "Fighter Squadron" and "Heroes VS Villains" Mode.


Read more on Star Wars battlefront's new game modes here.
So 1) Air superiority, straight out of BF4 at a guess. (Complete cluster****)
And *still* no space battles...

X-Wings and Tie Fighters are not designed for low atmosphere combat :( Especially Tie's An X-Wing could get away with it, but not a Tie Fighter.

I really get the feeling they're gonna ruin this... making me feel icky.

(Yes, I'm a pretty heavy Star Wars fan)
So 1) Air superiority, straight out of BF4 at a guess. (Complete cluster****)
And *still* no space battles...

X-Wings and Tie Fighters are not designed for low atmosphere combat :( Especially Tie's An X-Wing could get away with it, but not a Tie Fighter.

I really get the feeling they're gonna ruin this... making me feel icky.

(Yes, I'm a pretty heavy Star Wars fan)

but if you watch newer star wars stuff, like the Rebel's series, it shows Tie fighters working just fin in Atmo.
So 1) Air superiority, straight out of BF4 at a guess. (Complete cluster****)
And *still* no space battles...

X-Wings and Tie Fighters are not designed for low atmosphere combat :( Especially Tie's An X-Wing could get away with it, but not a Tie Fighter.

I really get the feeling they're gonna ruin this... making me feel icky.

(Yes, I'm a pretty heavy Star Wars fan)

unfortunately i agree... LOVED the old battlefront games, but i just dont have much faith that EA will even capture the essence of the franchise.... i hope i'm wrong
I'm still hugely disappointed that EA said there's no single player campaign or conquest mode like BF2 had.

It's literally just the multiplayer aspect of Battlefield with a star Wars skin judging from what I've seen.

I was really looking forward to doing campaign co-op with a few friends :(
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