New speakers


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New speakers- buzzing issue

Hi I'm in need of some new speakers old ones are cheap and about 10 years old sound is just getting worse, I'm after a 2.0 setup and have a budget of about £100 they will be used for gaming, films and music on my PC I have a formula VI motherboard and was thinking it would be ok to use the built in soundcard?

any suggestions would be appreciated

Thanks Baz
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nice quick response thank you

will these be ok on my motherboard or do I need to look at upgrading to a sound card in the future?
ordered up the solo6's very impressed slightly bigger than I had pictured in my head but still fit on my desk just need to figure out where to put my second monitor now :)

speakers sound very nice and the remote is very handy, have noticed when the pc is turned off I am getting a small buzz/humming noise coming from the speakers wither when they are on or in standby anyone else noticed this issue?
ordered up the solo6's very impressed slightly bigger than I had pictured in my head but still fit on my desk just need to figure out where to put my second monitor now :)

speakers sound very nice and the remote is very handy, have noticed when the pc is turned off I am getting a small buzz/humming noise coming from the speakers wither when they are on or in standby anyone else noticed this issue?

Probably a ground loop, you need an isolator or it could be your sound card
It's amplifier buzz, dude. You have cheap speakers. You're going to probably get that buzz on any cheap speakers. It has to do with the mains wiring in your house and the cheapness of the amplification being used in the speakers (Probably some trashy class D stuff). Just try to live with it. You'd be surprised at what will buzz out there. I had a pair of Tannoy Reveal 802s that cost me $660 (about 350GBP) and those things buzzed too. You really need to get into higher quality amplification to prevent buzzing, and even then, your home wiring can cause it regardless, even on a 1000GBP amplifier.

It's probably not worth throwing money at the problem for 100GBP speakers dude. Seriously.