New Rise of the Tomb Raider Screenshots Published


Average Penis Too
Some new screenshots of the upcoming Xbox-exclusive Rise of the Tomb Raider have been published on All Games Beta. The high-res screens show the arctic wilderness of Siberia in which the game will take place, along with some of the (aggressive) wildlife.


Read more on the High-Res Rise of the Tomb Raider Screenshots.
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i hope this looks that good, man they're getting good with skin textures, wont be long till we question whats reality :lol:
i hope this looks that good, man they're getting good with skin textures, wont be long till we question whats reality :lol:

Not to sure, I remember doing the uncanny valley in college (Ew that c word!) and it makes sense that we won't ever get that realistic because some noobs think its too freaky. Well sod them.
They changed her persona so that her assets were no longer the selling point of the game.

Boring, I know :)

Personally i never thought it mattered. Assets showing or not, it's a great series. If people buy it just to stare at her that's just creepy.. they could easily just look up screenshots and do it that way..
I don't understand how people can think videogame characters are sexy, tis just strange.

But this game looks amazeballs.
I don't understand how people can think videogame characters are sexy, tis just strange.

But this game looks amazeballs.

Talk to the Japanese then. One guy officially married his virtual game character.

And it is sad when you need to flaunt female bodies to almost the point of being naked to try and sell something. Dead or Alive series anyone?

I loved the TR series for the game itself. TR2 is still one of my favourites :)
They changed her persona so that her assets were no longer the selling point of the game.

Boring, I know :)

They should have left her assets alone. They don't do anything for me (not in a game character) but they are part of how she looks.

If they want to mess around with the character they may as well make her into a man or anything else for that matter.

For me if it no longer looks like Lara Croft, it's not Lara Croft.