New purchase !

This is not meant to be a review, just my expression of, Wow ! I just swapped out my Sapphire 7950 for a EVGA 980 SC. What an improvement ! For example,I went from 30 to 50 fps in Crysis 3 to anywhere from 80 to 100 fps and up. Much better quality onscreen and I must say the EVGA part is built better. Much quieter at same fan rpm. I am real happy with this purchase.
You mean you got 80 to 100FPS more, Am I reading that right ?
Dicehunter. No. I mean I'm now getting fps in the 80-100 range. sometimes a little more. at any rate, this is a great card. I started out w/ Sapphire cards but now it would take a lot for me to get rid of this card.
This is not meant to be a review, just my expression of, Wow ! I just swapped out my Sapphire 7950 for a EVGA 980 SC. What an improvement ! For example,I went from 30 to 50 fps in Crysis 3 to anywhere from 80 to 100 fps and up. Much better quality onscreen and I must say the EVGA part is built better. Much quieter at same fan rpm. I am real happy with this purchase.

I'm still rocking last gen EGVA 780ti classified and they did a good job, they sure push high FPS..... But hopefully soon I'm going to be upgrading to the 980ti classified :)
Don't see how you can be that excited? You went from spending $300 at 7950's retail launch price to about $550 on the 980 and it was a 3 year difference in technology? You should expect that kind of improvement. I went from a 7950 to a 390x and it's a pretty big jump. I get triple my 3d mark scores in Firestrike and if I push the core can get to nearly 4x the score.

Also the reason why the quality looks better is because you probably increased game settings:p
Don't see how you can be that excited? You went from spending $300 at 7950's retail launch price to about $550 on the 980 and it was a 3 year difference in technology? You should expect that kind of improvement. I went from a 7950 to a 390x and it's a pretty big jump. I get triple my 3d mark scores in Firestrike and if I push the core can get to nearly 4x the score.

Also the reason why the quality looks better is because you probably increased game settings:p
Hi, Mr. NBD. Always like to read your comments.
On this, part of my excitement is because of the price I paid for the part.
But more so is just the fact that there is no substitute for opening the package, having a part in your hands, looking at the part for the first time in the real, Installing it in your rig, going through the setup, and turning it on for the first time.
I have purposely left the 980 settings at default. The only settings I have changed are the game settings for system specs. The quality of the part has improved as well as the quality on screen.
Now, I'm just trying to see how far I can overclock.
Your thoughts ?
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Ok. Mr. Feronix, will do the next time. I do not have a decent camera right now though. Ill see if I can borrow one, ok?

Meh, who gives a... ? ... *Arnold voice* Just use your phones camera, it does the job. It's not a fashion show *Arnold voice* :p
Hi, Mr. NBD. Always like to read your comments.
On this, part of my excitement is because of the price I paid for the part.
But more so is just the fact that there is no substitute for opening the package, having a part in your hands, looking at the part for the first time in the real, Installing it in your rig, going through the setup, and turning it on for the first time.
I have purposely left the 980 settings at default. The only settings I have changed are the game settings for system specs. The quality of the part has improved as well as the quality on screen.
Now, I'm just trying to see how far I can overclock.
Your thoughts ?

Like to read my comments? Looks like your my number 1 fan! :cool:

My thoughts? I understand the excitement of the whole waiting and then finally getting a package and sitting there staring at it's beauty for 10mins. But the thing I don't get is how you can be amazed at the improvements when you already should know what to expect from such a huge leap in technology:p I'm glad you still got excited about it, as long as you feel it was worth the big investment than more power to you! Also game settings for system specs?? Never heard that before.. if you are referring to the prompt where games ask you to apply recommended settings, then yes they did increase in quality as you are now using a much more capable graphics card. So that would explain the quality on screen looking better.

As for OC'ing well if you are a first timer then take it slow. In all honesty if the games you are playing aren't very demanding, like World of Warcraft or LoL(similar games etc.) then I don't see the point in OC'ing. Now if you play the newest AAA games like Witcher 3 then you would benefit from OC'ing.
Like to read my comments? Looks like your my number 1 fan! :cool:

My thoughts? I understand the excitement of the whole waiting and then finally getting a package and sitting there staring at it's beauty for 10mins. But the thing I don't get is how you can be amazed at the improvements when you already should know what to expect from such a huge leap in technology:p I'm glad you still got excited about it, as long as you feel it was worth the big investment than more power to you! Also game settings for system specs?? Never heard that before.. if you are referring to the prompt where games ask you to apply recommended settings, then yes they did increase in quality as you are now using a much more capable graphics card. So that would explain the quality on screen looking better.

As for OC'ing well if you are a first timer then take it slow. In all honesty if the games you are playing aren't very demanding, like World of Warcraft or LoL(similar games etc.) then I don't see the point in OC'ing. Now if you play the newest AAA games like Witcher 3 then you would benefit from OC'ing.
Ok. I guess what I mean is that it is one thing to know something in my head. It is quite another to have an experience of it in the real world. Yes, I did do my homework on the part and expected a big jump in the quality. That is the reason why I bought it.
I was refering to Crysis 3, for example. Under graphics options there is a setting for system specs (from low,I think, to very high). and yes you are right, if you select very high, that it will alter the game settings accordingly.
I definitely see improvements in Crysis 3 after oc'ing.