Like to read my comments? Looks like your my number 1 fan!
My thoughts? I understand the excitement of the whole waiting and then finally getting a package and sitting there staring at it's beauty for 10mins. But the thing I don't get is how you can be amazed at the improvements when you already should know what to expect from such a huge leap in technology

I'm glad you still got excited about it, as long as you feel it was worth the big investment than more power to you! Also game settings for system specs?? Never heard that before.. if you are referring to the prompt where games ask you to apply recommended settings, then yes they did increase in quality as you are now using a much more capable graphics card. So that would explain the quality on screen looking better.
As for OC'ing well if you are a first timer then take it slow. In all honesty if the games you are playing aren't very demanding, like World of Warcraft or LoL(similar games etc.) then I don't see the point in OC'ing. Now if you play the newest AAA games like Witcher 3 then you would benefit from OC'ing.