New long term PSU - So many options!


New member
Pre emptively, please ignore my signature for the purposes of this :P

I'm looking for a new PSU that's going to last me (as PSUs usually do), so I want the best I can get. I'm not looking for higher wattages, as I'm only going to be using mITX/mATX builds for quite some time coming, do I won't need any extra wattage for SLI/CFx.

I'm looking for ~600W+, Fully Modular & 80+ Gold or better. Price would preferably be under £100. I know there are a few options, but I'm not a PSU guru by any means, so I'd like some help and recommendations.

The EVGA Supernova G1 650W piqued my interest quite significantly, but I recall hearing something about poor regulation when OCing or under load or something. I'm also in the market for sleeved cables, and I don't know where I'd get any compatible with the interface on it.

So, what do you lot think about this, and what other recommendations do you have?

I like the EVGA G2 Supernova series. Theyre built by Superflower and based on their excellent Leadex platform and have a 10 year warranty. Plus theyre not bad priced at all. I got my 750 for $110 shipped off Amazon.
RM Looks decent, might be a contender. JonnyGURU has some nice coverage on it, so I'll definitely consider it.

The G2 and AX(i) are both far too expensive, unfortunately.

Anyone else wish to put forward a supply? :P
Cheers for the recommendations guys. RM650, HX750i, one of the Leadex Golds OEM branded or something else.

Let's just see where money takes us, as well as when I bloody need it. Might not even need it until after Christmas (Read: sales) at this rate but ¯\_:mellow:_/¯
If you're on a bit of a budget EVGA's PSUs seem to keep getting heavy discounts. They're mostly very good tbh. I'm pretty sure that it won't give you any issues.