New Keyboard


New member
Right.....i currently have a K70 Cherry Red Switches

I want something which is slightly heavier on the switches, im assuming Brown is the next step up, or is it Blue?

I want a small keyboard the K70 is on the larger size

Budget, i'd happily spend ~£100

What can you guys recommended?
How about a Ducky Mini YOTH (it comes in all the switches)
What about the CM storm series? They are pretty cheap and come in many shapes and sizes (Full, TKL, Compact, etc.) and are usually available with red or white backlight and MX Browns.
What about the CM storm series? They are pretty cheap and come in many shapes and sizes (Full, TKL, Compact, etc.) and are usually available with red or white backlight and MX Browns.

Yeah i was looking at them, seem a good fit
I'd recommend the CM Storm Novatouch TKL - it's my daily driver at work.
(This uses topre-style capactive switches not cherry).
I'd recommend the CM Storm Novatouch TKL - it's my daily driver at work.
(This uses topre-style capactive switches not cherry).

That costs £150, £50 over MrKambos budget, I've tried one and they are nice but not £150 nice especially considering you're getting a TKL board.

Personally I'd recommend the CM Storm Quick Fire Rapid-i Fully LED Backlit Mechanical TKL Gaming Keyboard - Brown Switch *Can also be turned off*

£89.99 + £10 P+P

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The CM Storm keyboards are great I love my TK keyboard, I wouldn't mind a nice ducky shine though
Great suggestions, I don't mind going over budget just don't wanna blow £300 on a keyboard lol!

What about the switch types? What do most people use, I find the Reds fine for gaming but kinda crappy for typing!
Used nothing but Browns so far, but I love them so much that I don't feel the need to switch (pun unintended) to somethin else :)
I use blues myself on a CM Storm Quickfire TK, but like I said would really like to try browns as they're supposed to be like blues just quieter.
Here's what i've got and just so I can give a fair impression I will type this post on my virgin HHKB V60 mini with Cherry MX-Greens :o I bought it off Pexon last weekend and I will be getting some custom caps for it to complement Chocolate Box. I don't plan to use it as my main keyboard as I would miss the tenkey. It's quite nice to type on and all of the switches feel very firm and controlled, doesn't exactly change my hit rate as i'm used to typing on reds but you certainly couldn't accidentally press a key lol. The casing is an aftermarket addition and phenomenal quality. I didn't specifically want MX greens or a V60 mini and it's basically just an e-peen keyboard but I can definitely appreciate the quality and I can't wait to get my custom caps.

This has also reminded me that it's time to clean my K70 in the hard to reach places, I think tbh I love them both.




