New Asus 970 with old skool Geforce ultra style cooler! [oh, and its white tom!]


New member
New Asus 970 with old GTX 480 style blower! [oh, and its white tom!]

Dont normally post on this forum as much as i should, i lurk in the shadows reading instead but had to post this for Tom....
Much nicer styling from Asus without the silly Strix over the top branding and ugly design.
Clean, black/white and minimalist with a cooler that looks like a throw back from the GTX 480 cooler.



Could you start bothering Asus to make a video with one at all?
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Old skool? lol. These are the only coolers I will allow in my rig, given I always run more than one GPU. It kinda looks like the old 5870 Matrix cooler in white.

Nice to look at but inevitably useless for me given my rig is orange and black. They would look super honking in my rig.