Need help deciding!


New member
Hey guys, im new to the PC scene and Forum, i have just recently built computer for gaming.

I cant decide wether to buy the Asus GTX 780ti matrix or wait for the 980?
If i get the 780ti will only be until they release the 980ti which im guessing will be in about 6 months. The GTX 780ti matrix is just over £500 on ocuk which i beleive to be a bargain.

Just would like some advice from more experienced builders.

My specs so far is...

Cpu - i7 4790k / Corsair H100i
Mobo - Asus Rog vii formula
Ram - 16gb corsair dominator platinum 1866mhz
SSD - Samsung 850 pro 256gb ( OS )
HDD - 2x WD 1tb black.
Case - Corsair air 540
Psu - Corsair Hxi1000
Monitor - Asus Rog Swift 27" 144hz 1ms
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get a 780ti now don't bother waiting, though i haven't heard much good said about the 780 matrix
Thanks for replying so fast, ive read good reviews on the matrix and as i said its only £509. My next choice i think would be the Egva 780ti sc acx dual classified? But at £580 its obviously more expensive.


Yeah im considering SLI in the near furtue :)
Dont forget alot of those cards throw the heat into the case my money is still on the stock coolers.
Hardly any heat in the case most of it dumped right out of the back
and when 2nd commenting use the edit button.
My bad, as i said im new to the whole forum thing.
As for the coolers im not really that worried as the air 540 has great air flow and i have 8 fans installed lol.
When you decide to SLI the cards and have them stacked together they can cause air pockets of heat that normal ventilation will be able to shift, no matter how many fans you have unless you go down the Water cooling route then you would need to check the cards your looking for to see which have water cooling plates that can fit them as not all after-market cards have that support.
And even with an 860i you will have more than enough head room for 2x cards no problem.
And no worries mate i was a fresh poster a while back :)
I'd just get the 780Ti and don't bother waiting or even upgrading to the GTX 980, you won't get much of a performance increase in the end, it'd just be wasted money.
I was going to go for the 860i but i thought if i got the hxi1000 would leave more head room as there both platinum certified.
Im sure il get the hang of thus forum mumbo jumbo eventually.
But until then i think im gonna continue to shop around check some reviews and see where i end up.
Your gonna have mass headroom with a 860i, if anything you will use less power using a lower power PSU looking at efficiency curves it think i was only pulling about 380-420W with my whole system.
just trying to save some of ya cash for other bits in ya rig. :)
I already have the parts all installed and what not but least i wont need to worry about not having enough :) i went with the Egva 780ti sc acx dual classified in the end :) i mean how bad can it be?
Theres no problem with it just a casual thing.
The Gpu is a nice looking card, and just sometimes you may find it will dump heat out sideways so later on in SLi might make some heat sumps. Im sure i have seen water blocks for them so you can even go that way if you was inclined. :)
Yeah thats fine, thanks for all your advice :) i may watercool in a year or so.
I have just one other question, whats the best way to power the 780ti as in the card has two 8 pin connecters. Will it be okay to use one PCIe cable with two 8 pin connecters at the end or 2 PCIe cables in 2 slots on the PSU?
Depends on what power supply you have and if they are dedicated rail PSUs or like the Corsair ones i believe they are single rail but can manage the power down each PCI cable.
I run my 780 on a single cable which is 2x 6+2 pins, but never use additional cable adapters like 8 pin - 16 pin or most commonly the 6 pin to 8 pin could cause overloading in my opinion, im sure someone will correct me if im wrong.
so on my PSU i will run my 780 in Sli when i have the funds and will have enough headroom on the PSU to run the pump and extra fans and stuffs :D
I used 8pin to 2x 6+2 in the end andt all seems to be woking fine :) also i will probs consider SLI in the near future :) but i must say the Swift paired with the 780ti is match made in heaven! I used to have the asus 7970 matrix platinum but 780ti blows it out the water. Im truly impressed.
All i need to do now is try get used to keyboard and mouse.
Yeah i used one 8pin to 2x 6+2? I did some research and from what i read will be fine :) now the 980 is out im considering returning the 780ti
I have a confession, although the 780ti was AWESOME..... I decided to give Dabs a call and ask them if i could return the 780ti for a full refund as the 980 just came out and they said its fine.... So soon as the refund is cleared im going to buy either the Egva sc 980 or Asus 980. The performance only differs by a few FPS but the 980 is £130 cheaper and draws less power AND you get 4gb VRAM, its no brainer really while i wait to see if there will be 980ti on the horizon :) what is your views on 980?
Thats fair enough, i wish i could have 2 ref 980s if i had the cash lol, the reason for the ref is so i can OC my self and until i watercool the cooler is really good at getting heat out of the case, and then blocks for ref cards come out sooner normally.