Need help choosing a 970 card.


New member
I am looking to get a 970 card tomorrow, for gaming at 1080p and watching movies.

I am looking at black/white or just black, to go with my build.

The first 2 I can get local tomorrow, the last I will have to order.

Would I notice much difference at 1080p?




All far too expensive. Get a 390.

Not sure how you could notice a difference, given you've not told us what you're running now :D

But yeah, for more reasons than price the 390 is the card to get dude. Much better DX12 and VR support.

I have a HD7770 at the moment, but what I mean is between these cards as some are more overclocked than others will I notice a difference.

You say get a 390, but looking at multiple reviews and websites the 390 and 970 seem to perform the same and are not cheaper.
Between the different vendors and OC'd vs non-OC'd cards won't be much difference, we are talking maximum 5fps.
So really can anyone say the 390 is better than the 970 and back it up with benchmarks.

I have looked at videos, websites and most are split between both suggesting they are about equal.
So really can anyone say the 390 is better than the 970 and back it up with benchmarks.

I have looked at videos, websites and most are split between both suggesting they are about equal.

To be honest, they are equal cards. Both perform great at 1080. Down to personal preference past that. Either card will serve you well.
970 is cooler, uses less power, and therefore most of the cards are dead silent.
The 390 has more Vram, and has (according to the internet) benefits in the future like better DX12 support etc.
So really can anyone say the 390 is better than the 970 and back it up with benchmarks.

I have looked at videos, websites and most are split between both suggesting they are about equal.

They are about equal unless you use two of them @ 4k. Then the cracks start to appear in the 970's memory layout and very narrow bus.

However, in most cases the 390 is cheaper and money talks.
I recently got a 970 strix and this thing is INSANE. I've got it running at 1600mhz, and at load the temp is 66 (fans don't even turn on until 62). Silent, beautiful, challenging 980s in benches xD
I recently got a 970 strix and this thing is INSANE. I've got it running at 1600mhz, and at load the temp is 66 (fans don't even turn on until 62). Silent, beautiful, challenging 980s in benches xD

Any instructions for overclocking would be helpful, did you use MSI Afterburner I hear this is great for overclocking.

I am new at overclocking so any help instructions would be great.

Any instructions for overclocking would be helpful, did you use MSI Afterburner I hear this is great for overclocking.

I am new at overclocking so any help instructions would be great.


Firstly, silicone lottery... if you dont know it, google it :P

Secondly, afterburner is the easiest to use software on planet earth... it has a slider for ''power limit'' a slider for ''core clock'' and one for ''memory clock''... you can literally just play with those, bench test, put them a little higher, bench test etc.etc.etc
Firstly, silicone lottery... if you dont know it, google it :P

Secondly, afterburner is the easiest to use software on planet earth... it has a slider for ''power limit'' a slider for ''core clock'' and one for ''memory clock''... you can literally just play with those, bench test, put them a little higher, bench test etc.etc.etc

Yes I have heard of silicone lottery and that every piece of hardware can perform differently.

I will look at MSI afterburner when I get my card tomorrow.

Earlier people brought up the 390, the 390 and 970 are pretty equal in performance generally speaking. However as you go up the resolution chain the 390 starts pulling ahead like at 1440p for example. It also tends to be cheaper and both cards have amazing coolers so they are all silent and run very cool. The 970s overclock more but that's down to the 28nm process design they are using, whereas the 390s overclock less but get more per clock due to there own 28nm process design. Really comes down to which is cheaper and from what I see nearly all the 390s are cheaper than a 970. The top amd coolers would be MSI Gaming/XFX/Sapphire. With nvidia they are all pretty good generally speaking.