The MSI Lightning model has sat at the top of the MSI range since its inception. We review the latest in that long line, the GTX980Ti.
MSI GTX980Ti Lightning Review
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The RGB lights are obviously a nice touch but we firmly believe they would sell vast more quantaties of this card if you had comstomisable panels where you had black as the standard colour and you could add your own blue, red, white, green panels to suit your own system. If MSI had addressed this point it would have been a total slam dunk.
I don't really understand this point? No other manufacturer currently does it so it can't be held as a negative against the Lightning. Is every card not getting an award until somebody does clip on parts?
More the fact MSI have dropped the yellow on newer boards because they dont sell. Thats from MSI directly btw. So if they had options for the Lightning to be able to have other colours to work with the RGB's it would sell chuffing loads.
I don't really understand this point? No other manufacturer currently does it so it can't be held as a negative against the Lightning. Is every card not getting an award until somebody does clip on parts?
I understand how that would influence your feedback to MSI but not really the outcome of the review.
It hasnt effected the outcome of the review, its just pointing out that it would be the cherry on the top if aesthetically it would match a whole range of systems.
If you want your rig to look nice putting a yellow highlighted GPU in your rig kinda limits options......
The Gigabyte G1 with an RGB is all black and means you can really use the LED option to the max....
Do you get what Im trying to say?
They have still gone beyond what any other manufacturer has done. Matrix Platinums are predominately red and then have the totally uncontrollable LED but that wasn't really mentioned as a problem in the past. MSI made a lot of steps forwards, removing all the blue LED's, adding control and retaining their identity at the same time.
There are plenty of neutral motherboards it would suit amazingly well, both in and outside of MSI's range. The product in itself has a coherent and pleasing aesthetic. It's not like it clashes with all PC parts currently on sale (like the Titanium).
They have still gone beyond what any other manufacturer has done. Matrix Platinums are predominately red and then have the totally uncontrollable LED but that wasn't really mentioned as a problem in the past. MSI made a lot of steps forwards, removing all the blue LED's, adding control and retaining their identity at the same time.
There are plenty of neutral motherboards it would suit amazingly well, both in and outside of MSI's range. The product in itself has a coherent and pleasing aesthetic. It's not like it clashes with all PC parts currently on sale (like the Titanium).
It's a beast no question, the graphs are a happy sight, aesthetically it's not for every one (my self included) but that is why we mod stuff, right? Kudos MSI on another great Lightning.
I can't remember who it was that did it but didn't you used to be able to get cards naked and they came supplied with a sticker accent kit.. I may be mistaken though.I agree with Tom. Changeable rings, accents, something. It really wouldn't cost that much given MSI also make red and green cards.
I can't remember who it was that did it but didn't you used to be able to get cards naked and they came supplied with a sticker accent kit.. I may be mistaken though.
Essentially and there really was no need for a huge debate - if the yellow wasnt there or could have been changed it would/could have been epic. More epic. A slam dunk. Better for more people, better for people that dont like or want yellow. RGB wise its half way there, sure its better than blue LED's but if they had made a minor change it would have been epic.
About all the other cards - Ive covered all the gay points with flashy LED's etc with them too.
R9 290X DCUII I remember now, it came with Red and Gold stickers.Asus did it once.... lol
My only reason for debate was just the fact the it 'only' got a performance award, I was trying to understand why. That seemed to be the only thing held against it and I don't see how it was a 'problem'. It might not be a great idea from a sales perspective but thats not really a concern of the review.
I know it makes sense to give the performance orientated stuff a different award, but it seemed to read as an outstanding all-round card. Had it been hideously loud or something I would of understood.