MSI GTX960 Gaming Review


The Guvnor
Staff member

The other of our two GTX960 launch reviews is the MSI Gaming GTX960. How does it stack up?

MSI GTX960 Gaming Review
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Too anemic in VRAM, and lots of older cards compare to it favorably in metrics that actually matter. For a new card, stretching to that 970 will make for a better bet.
Good looks

I love the looks of the MSI cards. I'd love to see what two would do in SLI. :D

Thanks for the review.
My problem with the GTX 960 is that they are only a hundred or so dollars cheaper then the GTX 970 here in Australia. Why would I pay $350-$400 for a 960 when I can pick up a 970 for $450-$550? The 970 is miles ahead in performance and within the same power draw as the 960, i.e. if your powersupply can handle having a 960 in your computer then a 970 will be fine...