MSI GTX 970 vs Strix GTX 970


New member
Hi guys, I need some serious advice. What should I choose 970 Strix or MSI 970? There are 25£ of difference, 35€ for me. I'm looking to upgrading my rig and I'm not sure if I should spend these 35€ for the Strix or use for example to get a a corsair rm 550 instead of 450 and a 2TB HDD instead of 1TB. What are your thoughts?
Got my MSI 970 today and I can do 1500mhz on the core and 1900mhz on the mem without even touching the volts :o
Max temps 66*c with the default fan profile and you can't hear the fans spinning.

Those clocks are stable in BF4 as well, I just played an hour and got no artifacts or crashes. Don't know about other games, i'll have to test some out but BF4 is definitely stable at 1500\1900.
Wow thats pretty awesome. I wonder why my strix 980s will be able to do.

If you get good clockers you should be getting the same clocks and maybe up to 1600 with volts. I can't seem to get past 1525mhz even with more volts :( only tired 3D mark though, I might be able to get higher in other benches.

I'm well happy with 1500 with no extra volts needed though.
We have reviewed both why not go look

I watched the MSI review and read about the strix, it wasn't my point to doubt which was better since the strix sounds a little bit more apealing, but its price is also higher. From what the others have replied I shouldn't worry about having the MSI since it overclocks like a beast! Thanks though, I think I'm getting the dragon, I feel like I can use those 35€ somewhere else.
And Tom, keep on with the fantastic videos, no one does them as good as you. I like them when they are longer, that means I will learn more.
Go with the MSI gaming I got 2 this afternoon and my god it's like they were born beasts I've got both cards running at 1495 core and 8ghz memory with no voltage increase and temps under 80 degrees.

Ive just run 3D Mark and My firestrike score is 18256 graphics score 25810
imo go with MSI, im perfectly stable sitting on 1480 core and 2ghz (8 effective) ram, and absolutely silent, my h100i is louder than gpu atm
I started to panic initially when my gpu fans weren't spinning but I realised they don't spin till you hit 40 degrees it's insane
I started to panic initially when my gpu fans weren't spinning but I realised they don't spin till you hit 40 degrees it's insane

It is 60 degrees before the fans start spinning on the MSI, thought it was the same for the Asus as well? Anyway even when the fans do spin they are spinning so slow you can't hear them at all. :)
My msi cards seem to start spinning before they reach 60, they are both spinning now and my cards are idling at 43.
My msi cards seem to start spinning before they reach 60, they are both spinning now and my cards are idling at 43.

Might be because you are using 2 cards. My single card doesn't start spinning till 60 in games, according to the MSI AB on screen display that monitors fans speed anyway.
I really want the Asus Strix but that's my personal preference of Brand the way things are going I may have to buy the MSI if I can't find one to buy when I have the money on tuesday
You wouldnt be making mistake going with the MSI's as a brand they have rocketed from low end to high end high quality so fast I still remember cheap crap MSI boards back in the day and now my motherboard and gpu's are all MSI.

My one and only issue with the MSI 970's are the lack of a backplate, half the vram is on the back of the card and when I touched the memory chips they were cooking. Personally Im just going to grab an aftermarket backplate and attach that when they become available but I dont understand what MSI were thinking missing this out.
I went with the Asus Strix because:

1) It got very good reviews.
2) It has the 0DB fan system.
2) It has a Backplate.
3) It looks brilliant and matches my existing colour scheme.
5) It only needs a single 8 pin power connector (which has done wonders for my cable management)

Now that I have the card I can say it's very quiet, performs brilliantly and is ridiculously cool when idling or under load.

You can't go wrong with the Asus or MSI cards and I think you decision will come down to small things such as the back plate, or the look of the cooler.